Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Making Calls

Due to Vonda's hearing being postponed until January 25th I spent the day investigating. 
Cold calling people involved directly, or indirectly, about this case always proves to be less than comfortable. What makes it even worse is when I call a number that is listed as belonging to a man and a female answers and tries to 'handle' me to protect the person in question. This has happened more than once and honestly, it is the damndest thing I have ever experienced. 
To be honest, if I call a man and he can't speak for himself it tells me a few things about him and his situation and none of them are positive. 

I called Edward Hitchens today.
Let me rephrase that, I called Edward Hitchens phone number as listed in his subpoena paperwork. His wife answered and when I stated I wanted to speak to Edward she insisted on finding out my name and why I wanted to speak with her husband. I have nothing to hide, so I told her, "I'm Stacy and I want to ask him some questions about Jessie Morrison."

She stopped me right there. She said something like, "He isn't answering any questions about that girl, hun. Please don't call us again." Then she hung up on me.

Well, I'm here to tell you, I wouldn't get anywhere if I was easily deterred. So I called back.
She wasn't happy I called back but did say that "We might have waved hi or bye to that girl but we didn't know her and that this was all a big mess and that he had had to spend the night in jail over all this. Then she proceeded to tell me that they wouldn't talk about it out of respect for Jessie. 
I explained that I have no desire to disrespect Jessie or to allow anyone else to. I told her that I have been in contact with Jessie's mother and that her mother would have nothing to do with me if I was trying to make Jessie look bad. She said, "Well, good for you, we still ain't talking about it. Now don't call back again." Once again, she hung up on me. 
This time I let it go.  
Since he refuses to even discuss what he testified to in court it does make me question his credibility even more than I did before. He was a reluctant witness, and apparently still is  He was the last person to claim to see Jessie alive, a mere 2 hours before her body was discovered. His testimony is the one thing that allows people to make up nonsensical white van theories to substantiate Vonda and Vonda's families claims to innocence. 
There isn't a nice way for me to say this but I call bullshit. I declare total fabrication from Edward Hitchens and his claim of seeing Jessie and talking to her the evening of her murder. 
If I had seen her and thought an innocent woman was spending life in jail I would be screaming about it from the rooftops. I get that not everyone has an affinity for justice quite as strongly as I do but I can't imagine why you would have to be dragged into court to testify if you know what you claim to know. Cowards and liars are a few of my least favorite things. 
Until next time...

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