Friday, September 21, 2018

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

It is easy to be on the outside looking in and say we would do something differently, or better than the ones actually doing it. I think in every murder case if you have ever flipped your TV over to the ID channel, has a list of things that could have been investigated better or more thoroughly. That is because even detectives are human.
Do I think there were some things that could have been done that might have made a huge difference? Yes, I do. 
I want to start this by saying, I wasn't there at the scene and I am not in any way trying to talk badly about the detectives that worked this case. These are just a few of the things that a lot of people, including myself, have had questions about and I would like to know if any of you have any answers for them:

  1. I have asked several times, even from people that sat through the entire trial, about Chris and Willy's alibis. I have heard that Willy's was just that he was home (The home he shared with Brittney, If I'm not mistaken) alone and that she had the car that day. I have heard that Chris was working in Alaska, but also heard that was contradicted during testimony by a member of their own family that said that Chris helped Vonda bury their dog around that time. I think this testimony was from an elderly person so they may have just mixed up Willy's name with Chris. I would like to hear what you all have to say.
  2. In the Food City surveillance video, you can see the clothes that Vonda and Jessie were wearing. I have heard more than once that Vonda's clothes from that video were never found and neither were C's. If you have any information concerning that please contact me. As usual, you will remain anonymous. 
  3. Also, as far as I can find, there were never any dogs brought out to where she was found to look for evidence. Surely there is a reason for that, I'm just not sure what it would be and would love to find out. I would think they could have located any of Jessie's missing items had they been hidden in Vonda's yard
  4. After Jessie's body was identified her trailer was not closed off to search for evidence as far as her mother knows. Her mom came the morning after Jessie was identified and got clothing for C and K. She said no officers were there and it wasn't closed off or being searched.   
So I think this is enough for now. If you guys have any ideas or answers you know the drill, let's chat about murder.  
Until next time...

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