Friday, September 14, 2018

Polygraph Testing

 The accuracy (i.e., validity) of polygraph testing has long been controversial. An underlying problem is theoretical: There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception. An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully and a dishonest person may be non-anxious.

There are legitimate reasons polygraph results are not allowed in court. 
They are less about detecting lies and more about detecting anxiety. I would think just knowing they can be incorrect would cause an extreme amount of anxiety for someone that knows they are being looked at as a suspect even if they know they are innocent. 

A simple Google search can give you ample information to conclude that they aren't as helpful they are portrayed to be on TV and in movies. 

Now, according to several people I have interviewed (So please keep in mind this is hearsay. I want to make sure that is clear, although I trust this source) These are the people that were given a polygraph examination:
Gary Ealey =  PASSED
William Smith = PASSED
Vonda Smith = Unknown 
Roger Smith = FAILED - I would like to note Roger is sick and I'm not sure he could even fit into the very liberal definition of a 'good candidate' for a lie detector examination.

So that's it. If I hear of any more or anything different I will let you all know.
 Until next time... 

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