Monday, September 24, 2018

How close were Jessie and Vonda? Let's read some texts, shall we?

I have pretty much written this blog post 3 times. The blogging of text messages never comes out quite the way I want it to and I really hate to make people more confused about this case. I do think it is worth the possibility of an "ugly" blog post just to be able to provide screenshots because that will be more official than me just saying I have them and typing them out for you. 
I do want to say, these are photocopies of screenshots. Some are between Vonda and Jessie (which is listed under two different contact names in Vonda's phone. One says, "Jessie" and the other says "KamChanning" The "KamChanning" was Jessie's old number. I think Vonda changed the name to "KamChanning" because she was documenting every single thing they did or offered to do for Channing.)
I know she was documenting because after Jessie's death Tammy had emergency custody of Channing. They had a court date and the judge was ordering William to take a DNA test because they were wanting custody of Channing immediately after Jessie's death. It wasn't a custody hearing, per say, but Vonda was prepared for one. She was wielding a notebook filled with taped down receipts for anything that could be contributed to being used for Channing or Kam. When they removed Vonda from the courtroom (I think per Tammy's request) She left the notebook with William. It was meticulously recorded. Every penny. 
As you read these you are going to think that Jessie was sure asking for a lot of money and help and to that, I say, "So what?" She and her mother had been responsible for everything Channing had ever needed since birth. William knew Jessie was pregnant and he wanted nothing to do with the baby. He never visited when Channing was born early and in PICU for months. So I think Jessie felt entitled to as much help as Vonda and Willy could afford, and I don't think she was wrong, honestly. Even if you think she was, that doesn't merit being beaten to death, now does it? 
So, I think these texts show it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies between Jessie and Vonda. Tammy had tried her best to make Vonda feel comfortable with Channing, or that is the impression I get from the text messages. That is a complete contradiction of the claims she made after Jessie was murdered. She claimed she had to rush to get custody because Tammy was unfit and a drunk. 
So why did  Tammy and Vonda's friendly communication turn into Vonda and Vonda's family character assassination of Tammy?
Obsession. In these texts, you will see that she mentions Willy and her husband being upset because Jessie wouldn't allow Channing to be there with them. So here we go. I will try to make these as easy to follow as I can, we will be discussing these off and on so I want you guys to be able to read them.
Texts between Vonda and Tammy:

 All I see here is Tammy being more than kind to Vonda and to be fair, Vonda being appreciative of that kindness. 

These are the text messages between Vonda and Jessie (her old number), the handwritten notes you see in the margins are from Vonda. These were printed out by Vonda so keep in mind these are the ones she thought made Jessie look the worst or at the very least made her look the best. 

These are also between Jessie and Vonda:

What I find to be unbelievable is Vonda's claim that everything was just fine between her and Jessie. I think I see where she might have felt like she was being used by Jessie, but she was also using Jessie. She was buttering her up so she could get her to bend to her will concerning Channing. I have spoken to people that have heard from Willy himself and his exes that Vonda was manipulative and controlling. I think these show traces of that. 
I also posted the ones of Jessie that aren't very flattering, because that is just the reality. She was resentful and not afraid to say exactly what she thought. She wasn't a fake, these show that Vonda was in my opinion. 

Let me know what Y'all think
Until next time...