Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Good old Topix

Listen, I hate Topix. I really do, I am a huge advocate of standing behind what you say and not hiding behind a screen name. However, once in a blue moon you run across a well thought out comment on a Topix thread that makes you think it isn't such a dumpster fire on there, it is a very short-lived appreciation for the gossip site but I experienced that phenomenon tonight.  I am glad Topix is around. I found some very interesting things posted there.
There is a Vonda Smith thread on there that is 14 pages long as of 9/12/18.
Most of the shit posted under that subject is nonsensical conspiracy and gossip. I usually drag myself through it and try to not want to bleach my eyeballs before I'm finished. I have that urge a lot with all the digging I do online lately.

Tonight though, it had been several days since I last looked, there was someone posting on there that had coherent sentences and claimed to have sat through the entire trial. I am inclined to believe them. I can't prove it, hell I can't even ask them to confirm it because everyone is 'anonymous' on there. The screen name used was "Copsrcool"
I am going to put some of the interesting things he or she posted here (Please note, these statements are not to be considered any kind of proof. They are statements made by someone I cannot vouch for and I want everyone to keep that in mind while reading this.)
I may get these screen names mixed up, there were two that actually had complete sentences. If they get offended by me mixing them up I hope they feel free to contact me to correct it 

Anyway here goes:
"Greenlee" posted:
"There were 4 hours of Vonda being interviewed. First, she said she saw Jessie leave and come back, then after police found blood she said she didn't actually see her leave or come back. When asked why she didn't answer her phone for 4 hours as her "granddaughter" who she was 4 hours late to pick up, called her 30 times she said she didn't want to make her "granddaughter" jealous. (I want to make a note that I think they put "granddaughter" in quotes because they are referring to "E" who isn't Vonda's biological grandchild.) which made no sense. She said cat peed all over her car, that was why she had been cleaning with bleach but couldn't explain why she was using bleach to clean the ceiling and passenger window and windshield- I just don't think a cat could have peed on ceiling and windows."
The next most coherent comment came from someone called, "Copsrcool":

"V.Smith started out saying she had dropped Jessie and her babies off at Morrison's trailer after she'd taken them to food city, but no one could find Jess or the babies. Then the babies were discovered at 
Vonda's home. When V. Smith couldn't explain why she first said she dropped them off at their home when they were actually at V. Smith's house she changed her story. That's when she starts saying, 'Oh, yeah, they all came back to my house. I gave Jess 1000 dollars cash, she borrowed my car and brought my car back later but didn't come in, then she left with a man in a white van." Finally, she said she only saw them through the window and never spoke to anyone. just a note V. Smith's husband said in his recorded interview that Vonda NEVER let anyone use her car and he also told investigators that he did NOT believe Jessie Morrison ever left his house once they got there that afternoon. He told them Jess left with Vonda when Vonda left around 7pm to go pick up her other grandchild in Jonesboro. Ironically, J Morrison's body was found just after 7pm a mile or so from V. Smith's home on Jud Neal Loop which a neighbor testified no one ever uses this road unless they are looking for a good place to dump trash without getting caught ."
Someone named "Dan" asked if Roger was forced to testify.
"Copsrcool" responded with:
I don't believe the prosecution can force a spouse to testify against their own spouse. The husband's interviews were recorded then transcribed. His statements contradicted V. SMith's statement. The state was allowed to play the recorded interviews of V. Smith to the jury."
Someone named "JoJo" said:
"I'm trying to figure out how she did this without one single scratch. I think someone else is involved. 

There is no explanation for all the blood in Vonda's car, but the deceased fought so hard that she broke a finger.

No one walks away scratch free from that type of altercation. (And Vonda did)"

"Greeneee" responded with:
Her finger was broken covering her head as it was being smashed. TBI concluded no offensive wounds on jessi. Should've watched trial

"JoJo" then askes several things:
"*Did you mean to say "defensive" instead of "offensive"? To be offensive insinuates that she was the aggressor. Just trying to clarify.
*She was found guilty by a jury..

Just curious as to whether everyone believes that this 50 year overweight woman had the strength to overpower a 21 yr old girl to the death, and come away without a single scratch...

That is the one and only reason why I can't believe the story we are made to believe."

Finally "Greeneee" answers with something I found very informative:
"If she was fighting it would be an offensive break. If she was covering her head as it was being smashed with say a hammer it would be a defensive break. TBI said she had no injuries that indicated Jessie was in a fight. TBI said her finger injury was either trying to cover her head or it snapped when she was thrown down the embankment. This was all discussed thoroughly during trial. Plus that Vonda is very strong and agile. 50 is not that old btw"

Then "Copsrcool" added:
V. Smith had two of the best defense lawyers in Tennessee defend her in a trial that lasted over 4 days. All these arguments being made on Topix doubting the conviction are just restatements of either the theories brought up by the defense lawyer or from the BS story that V. Smith gave the police (neither of which made such an impression on the judge or jury obviously). I watched the whole trial. There was no doubt after it was all argued that V. Smith had the physical ability (you have to be pretty strong to be a nurse, to begin with, plus we saw how nimble footed she was on video, and there was proof she'd just dug the grave and buried a german shepherd BY HERSELF a few days before murdering J. Morrison), the motive (she was majorly obsessed with the grandson, who she was losing control over) and the opportunity...oh and then she tried to say all that blood in her car (which came back to be J. Morrison's blood) was cat pee. The jury took longer to order their lunches than it took them to come to a consensus. She's soooooo guilty and will probably die in she should It's KINDA HARD TO FIGHT AFTER YOU UNEXPECTEDLY GET SMASHED IN THE HEAD WITH A HEAVY PIECE OF METAL. she never had a chance The Medical Examiner testified that the FINGER WAS DISLOCATED, not broken. Thus, most likely that injury occurred when the body was dumped out of vehicle off the side of the mountain newspaper did not do a great job covering V. Smith's trial. the Sun's articles were full of misquotes that kinda butchered what some witnesses and the lawyers actually said or didn't say. ken little relies on his handwritten notes---a recording device would probably be beneficial (but I'm not sure if the judges allow recorders). january is when Smith gets to argue to judge Dugger that he should give her a new trial. judges reverse themselves about once per billion cases. dugger would only reverse himself in light of new significant evidence that would have likely changed the original outcome. so, after Dugger denies her motion for a new trial then she'll appeal the convictions." 

Alright, so after reading that I am going to check the forensic report to see if it definitively mentions 'defensive vs offensive' wounds.
It doesn't and the realization that I may have misconstrued defensive wounds to mean fighting back while defending yourself makes me really take a second look. I'm not always right, and when I'm not, I have no qualms stating it.  Does it make me come to the conclusion that she didn't fight to defend her life and her unborn child's life? No, but it does make me rethink the possibility that there may not have been as many wounds on her assailant as I had originally thought. I took some time to research "defensive" wounds and I don't think I was too far off with my original understanding. I mean, one would have to be aware to keep moving their hands and arms in different places to try to protect their body from an attacker.
Sooo..this is all just food for thought. I wanted to share it all with you.
Until next time...

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