Monday, September 10, 2018


"Though we may like to think murderers are either pathological misfits or hardened criminals the vast majority of murderers are people who, until the day they kill, seem perfectly normal."
-Dr. Buss, expert psychologist University of Texas

There is always a motive for a murder. 
That motive can be greed, to keep a secret, revenge, anger, and a long list of other things. 
I have been asked the question of what Vonda's motive could have been.
Well, let's explore that.
I have heard countless people say, "I worked with Vonda for years and there is no way this kind woman could have ever killed someone."
Do you think murderers are all consumed with evil characteristics?
Even Ted Bundy volunteered for a suicide hotline.

I want to say this with the understanding that I am not saying it to be disrespectful to Jessie or her family. Her mother has contacted me several times to tell me if something I have written was incorrect. If it is, I immediately correct it. 
She has also told me when I put things in this blog that she doesn't like but you know what she says? She says, "As long as it is the truth, I don't have to like it."

So here it goes...I know Vonda was probably very nice to a lot of people. I bet she dropped spare change in the Salvation Army buckets every Christmas. She probably provided Jessie with help occasionally, maybe even a lot. But just like all murderers aren't monsters 100% of the time, victims aren't always saints, either. 

Jessie was picky about her children. I think it is fair to say that she didn't always make it easy for the fathers to visit or stay in contact. She made it difficult for Shawn to see K, I know that much for sure. I imagine she didn't lay out a red carpet for Vonda and William either, but I do know she let him see "C". She didn't want it advertised and even kept that from her Mother for a while. Some people are more private than others, simple as that. 

The CDC analyzed the murders of women in 18 states from 2003 to 2014, finding a total of 10,018 deaths. Of those, 55 percent were intimate partner violence-related, meaning they occurred at the hands of a former or current partner or the partner’s family or friends. In 93 percent of those cases, the culprit was a current or former romantic partner. The report also bucks the strangers-in-dark-alleys narrative common to televised crime dramas: Strangers perpetrated just 16 percent of all female homicides, fewer than acquaintances and just slightly more than parents.
-via The Atlantic

I don't think any of that is all that strange though. I think those kinds of things happen all the time and rarely end with a murder. So what made this one different? What made this situation end so violently?

Here is another thing that disturbs me. I have been looking into all the fathers of Jessie's children. They all have a history of being abusive. They all have had run-ins with the law. They have all said things to people about Jessie's death that look pretty damn incriminating. So let's watch and listen and don't forget to come to me with messages if you want or need to do so, you will, as always remain anonymous. 
Until next time...

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