Saturday, September 8, 2018

Dog burial and Vonda's yard

Ok, I had heard before that Vonda had to bury a pet dog shortly before Jessie died. I hadn't mentioned it because it hasn't been mentioned in any case files I have and I don't like to just talk about stuff that I hear. I like to have documentation. I may run into some. I have read that people think that if Vonda could dig a grave by herself for a German Shepherd that somehow proves she was fit enough to kill Jessie on her own. I have no proof she was able to accomplish this feat and even if I did I'm not sure that would change the fact that she needed help to pull this off. 
 I will be doing an interview with someone soon that should be able to answer whether or not they did a thorough search of Vonda's yard the night that Jessie died. I know it was late when they got there and dark but surely they have access to flood lights or something that could have been used to search that yard. 
I have seen the yard, it is a pretty good size and my running theory is there was an altercation there. THEORY. That isn't fact. 
I would like to be able to rule that theory out if it was looked at and they know for a fact there were no signs of an altercation or evidence in that yard that night. 
Can you imagine if they didn't?
 (Vonda's house and yard.)

(Vonda's yard and 'driveway')
 (Davis Valley Road, Vonda's house)
 (This is the driveway Vonda says her car was returned to but she was unable to see who returned it because it is out of direct view from her kitchen window)
 (Vonda's house from above. This gives a pretty good idea of the size of her yard)

(This picture shows the nearest neighbor to Vonda's house. The house is pretty isolated. There are houses scattered throughout that road though which would explain why someone would not try to dump her on that road.)

I know they did a search on her house. Vonda allowed that and it turned up nothing. 
I find myself getting restless when there isn't any new documentation to present to you guys. My mind goes over every tiny piece of information a million times and comes up with scenarios that seem plausible but I don't like to share those things here.
I will share the reason I think this happened at Vonda's and why I think it wasn't premeditated.
I have driven the route from Vonda's house to Jud Neal Loop where Jessie was found, and down Tyne Gray Road where her cell phone case was found, and down Betsey Ross road where her belongings were scattered off the side of the road. If you have ever gone down these paths you know there are so many places to hide a body. That may seem morbid, and it probably is, but it is the truth. If the person that dumped Jessie had gone 2 minutes further up the road there would have been a much steeper embankment and she probably wouldn't have been found for months, if at all. So why did they dump here at the first densely covered area of the road they came upon? I think it was panic.
Can you imagine the panic that person must have felt? Evidence shows us she was in the front seat of a Pontiac Sunfire. Every inch farther they go to find a good spot to dump her they risk an oncoming car discovering them. That road is so small that a passing vehicle has to get so close to you that it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask for dinner first.
 The very narrow Jud Neal Loop where Jessie was discarded
 I have been on bike paths wider than this
So the pressure to get Jessie out of that car must have been immense and I think that is why they went down Jud Neal Loop and when a slight embankment presented itself, out of desperation, they dumped her and continued to panic realizing they have all of these belongings with blood and evidence of Jessie's murder in the car with them so they start dumping those things as well. It had to be a frenzied panic that most people will never feel.
Somebody has this panic feeling shoved way down deep inside, trying to forget it. Someone other than just Vonda. I bet they sure would like to get that off their chest. Something like that has to haunt the person that did it. I hope it does.
Until next time...


  1. No doubt that Vonda did it, at least to me, too much evidence to prove it that wasn't allowed to be presented....

  2. I agree with that. I am doing a blog post about that soon You can always send me a private email to stay anonymous if you would like to say more. Thank you.
