Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Vonda is Innocent?

I keep hearing people say this and I want to give those people a chance to state their case. She has been convicted so I don't have to prove she is guilty but if you think she is innocent, or if you question her guilt at all, I would love to hear from you. 
You can message me and I will keep you anonymous or you can post in the comments of the "Mopping With Murder" Facebook page.
I am not biased so all opinions are welcome but please be willing to give an explanation as to why you have that opinion, "I just have a gut feeling." isn't enough.
You have questions or claims you would like me to address? Please don't hesistate to state them or ask questions. 


  1. I was able to view all the evidence that the da had against her, before the defense had most of it declared inadmissible because it would have negative and damning effects on the jury towards Vonda. The defense scared witnesses into changing their statements, the other grandma originally stated she never got close enough to vonda's car to see the seat when she picked up her granddaughter, but on the stand she stated she actually put the little girl into the car and never saw any blood, but Vonda herself originally stated that when she picked up the girl, the little girl complained about the weird smell in the car and the passenger seat being wet so vonda sent the girl back in for a towel to sit on, and Vonda had no explanation on why she wouldn't answer her phone for almost 3 hours and had so many missed calls from the granddaughter and others...and her cold emotionless reaction when the police told her jessie was found murdered, she simply replied, "oh"

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your comment. Please feel free to email me and you will remain anonymous with anything else you would like to share

  2. She showed no emotion because she already knew
