Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Fake Jessie Morrison Facebook Profiles

      A little over a month after Jessie was murdered someone made two different fake profiles under her name. They even proceeded to friend request her friends and family. 

( I didn't take the time to crop these because I honestly don't care if you see what I have pulled up on my computer and I'm sick and lazy at the moment. These are two different profiles that were created after Jessie's death, not old profiles, they were newly created and friend requests were sent out.)

A few of her family members accepted the friend requests and messaged whoever they were, the messages were marked seen but no one ever responded. 

(Sorry if these aren't great quality. I found them while on my laptop and instead of taking a screenshot of the entire page I just used my phone to snap a pic real quick.)

So, not only is this awful, it is pretty bold. 
Were they not afraid it would be traceable? 

I guess some random person could have done this just for kicks, but I'm not sure why they would. I would think if someone could convince themselves this would be entertaining they would have added something humorous. They didn't though. (Please let the record show I would not find anything they posted to be humorous but people are strange)

Maybe someone is just morbid and cruel. 
I checked today and this one is still up.
(There is only the one picture, the profile picture, which is of her and her sister.)

I do not get creeped out easily but this is kinda creepy. 
TBI has been informed of these profiles. They told her mother it would take years to figure out who created them. 😒😒

I can't help but think this could have been her killer. The person(s) that helped Vonda. I don't know that it was, as it stands now we will never know who it was and as frustrating as that is I just wanted to share it. I wanted it documented here that someone did this a month after Jessie was murdered. Then proceeded to friend request her family to make sure they would see it. 
Let's think about that...Until next time...

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