Monday, September 17, 2018

Iffy Drops of Info

I honestly get so many messages and tips that my life is overrun with index cards, post-it notes, notebooks, and poster boards. 
(This is an accurate representation)

Now, let it be clear, I am NOT complaining. Every tiny drop of information I get I investigate thoroughly. I am never bothered by it but I do stay pretty busy. I enjoy it, it's a very unpleasant subject with an ending where no one will win but I enjoy the research part of it all. 
I am having a bit of a dilemma though as I am unsure if I should share my ever-changing theories and ideas with you guys or stick to nothing but facts straight from paperwork? 
I don't want to be a part of the "Spread rumors now ask questions later" group of bloggers. I do think though sometimes if I shared all of the "iffy" pieces of information I come across, with a disclaimer of course, that it might help clear things up. Everyone seems unafraid to message me and let me know if they heard something different than what I am typing out here. 

There is a thin line between interesting and bullshit and I don't want to cross it. 
This case doesn't need bullshit. I do think it could benefit from a collective effort. 

I don't want to spread rumors but posting questionable things here, with the upfront notice that they are questionable might provide a large blanket of inquiries in a time efficient manner. 
So that is what I am trying to figure out today. 
Be patient with me. 
Until next time...

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