Thursday, August 30, 2018

To the murderer that reads my blog

I mean, I have to suspect the person that did this is feeling the heat and is reading this. If I helped commit a murder you can bet your butt I would be reading a blog dedicated to finding me.

People often tell me to be careful while investigating this case. I think everyone should be careful because it is obvious to me that someone capable of a brutal murder is walking around like nothing happened. I am cautious but not scared.  I imagine as long as people are looking for them they are less likely to do something like this again. Someone justified dumping a pregnant woman's body on the side of an isolated road like an empty soda bottle. 
I guess that is a scary thought but it mostly just pisses me off.
The No. 1 risk of death for pregnant women is the normal medical complication of childbearing, followed by traffic accidents and then homicide.
Usually, as I have said before, it is the husband/partner. But that can't be in this case due to Gary's alibi and I don't think Gary would have been working with Vonda and we know Vonda was involved. I wonder if this applies to ex-intimate partners? I imagine it does. 

 I'm still very curious about the unknown female DNA that was found. 

So, to the murderer(s) that are reading this, I want to warn you that your time of being considered innocent is limited. The truth is coming. There is more DNA evidence coming, it may take years, but I'll still be here and so will a lot of other people ready to watch you get what you deserve. 

Until next time...


  1. What two men did the DNA that was found in her underwear belong to?

    1. There is a blog post about all of the forensics which would be hard to explain here.
