Saturday, August 18, 2018


     This is a journey, Y'all.  I am still digging, still interviewing, and still writing. I do not think I know everything about this case and you shouldn't either. What we can do, as a collective, is examine what we do know and discuss that. I mentioned in the last post that I believe Vonda had heavy involvement with the murder, but I don't think she is the sole person responsible, nor do I think she was the person that physically killed Jessie, not on her own at least.
    Vonda is 4ft 11inches tall and 170lbs.  I myself am 5 ft. even, and will not be disclosing my weight. If I am ever arrested for a murder you can find out then.  So I do have an idea of what being this short entails. Jessie was 5ft. 6inches tall and 170lbs. So Jessie had 7 inches on Vonda and the weight was the same. I know Jessie was younger but not only that, she was raised to be tough. From all accounts from people that knew her, she would take no one's shit sitting down. She was scrappy without hesitation if the situation called for it. This isn't uncommon or even looked down upon, not here in the South anyway. Any woman worth her salt will stand up for herself and those she loves. You throw in the fact that Jessie was pregnant with another child when she was attacked and I think it is safe to assume she would have fought like hell to protect not only herself but her children. Why is this so important? Well, because an obese 52 year old of that stature would have a hard time getting in and out of a car, lifting heavy objects (especially with her medical condition of spinal stenosis) much less having the cardio ability to not only fight with a 21 year old healthy strong woman with a lot to lose, but to bludgeon her to death.
     Now, a murder weapon was never found, and I doubt it ever will be but one was used according to the autopsy report. It also mentions the many defensive wounds Jessie acquired while fighting for her life. So this wasn't a "lucky blow" instantaneous knock-out type of situation. This was a fight. A hellacious fight. It ended with the strong, healthy woman being beaten to death even through fighting back.  I would love to see a scenario where Vonda is the only culprit and that is the ending. I can't think of one. I certainly can't think of one where she unloaded her own weight, in the form of Jessie's body, out of her small car to evict her off the side of the road.
So, now that I have explained my opinion on Vonda's guilt or innocence, I want to explain why I have issues with the verdict. 
     The evidence was all circumstantial, which is hard for me. The jury did nothing wrong with convicting her if they felt the state proved their case, I just don't feel like they did. Also, I wasn't in there. I have spoken with several people that were there for the entirety of the trial and I have yet to hear anything that would stand out as hardcore proof in this case. I have heard proof she was involved, they proved the hell out of that.  Had I been on the jury, it would have been a hung jury and that would have been unfortunate because I do think Vonda is where she needs to be. I do think she is covering for others involved, but I  think she did her part, enough so to merit her current lodgings. I say let her sit there and think about what she did and why she did it.  If she did this so she could have her grandson, I hope the realization that she will never see him again hits her and hits her hard. Jessie deserved better, and that is why I get upset with the verdict. It makes it seem as if that was the whole truth and nothing but the truth concerning Jessie's murder and I just can't get behind that. I don't think this is over though. I believe with all my heart the truth always comes out. Vonda will spill it or someone else will, but it will be spilled and I will be there mopping it up and delivering it to you guys. 


  1. So, basically, Vonda is the size of you (give or take) and Jessie is within 10lbs to being exactly the size of me. I am twice-ish Jessie's age, but I am in pretty good shape.

  2. You wanna just throw down and see if you can take me?!! LMBO!
