Sunday, August 19, 2018

Lets meet our players, shall we?

By players I mean the people we will be discussing that are connected to this case. Not just suspicious people. Let's go

  • Jessie Nicole Morrison-   was 21 years old when she was murdered on August 12, 2016. She moved into Cross Anchor Trailer Park about nine months before her death. Vonda rented that place for her because it was convenient for Vonda to stop by and see Channing anytime she wanted (according to several sources) Jessie was doing online school and was one month from being finished with her course in medical coding. She lived in the trailer with Gary Ealey, her fiance, her two sons Channing (3) and Kamdyn (1), and Gary's father J.D. Ealey. I'm not 100% certain but I think Gary's brother, Donavan, stayed there a lot as well. Jessie was, by all accounts, a good mother and friend. She was also more than capable of taking up for herself and would not tolerate being disrespected, as most women won't in East Tennessee. She wasn't passive or afraid of confrontation. She was trying to better herself to provide a better life for her children. She was 4 months pregnant at the time of her murder. 
  • Tammy Morrison- (Jessie's Mother)- Went to Vonda's the night of the murder looking for Jessie. She was unaware that Jessie had been found, dead on Jud Neal Loop because the police were unable to identify her.  Tammy is tough as nails and hard working. Jessie and her two sons had lived with Tammy until Jessie moved into the trailer nine months prior to her death. Contrary to what has been posted on other sites, Tammy and Gary did NOT have a tumultuous relationship. She actually let Gary be at her house after the murder. They still do not have any issues with one another. 
  • Gary Ealey- (Jessie's fiance)-  lived with Jessie at the Cross Anchor Trailer with her two sons and his father, J.D. Ealey. Worked at Imery's minerals. Had a concrete alibi on the day of the murder. He was at work from 6:30 am until 7:10 pm. Gary was the presumed father of Jessie's unborn child. They were not arguing or having relationship issues before her murder. Gary now lives in Florida with his wife, who is about to deliver his son. He saw Jessie on August 12, 2016, on his lunch break. She dropped off their shared car and left with Vonda and her two sons in Vonda's white Sunfire. 
  • Donavan Ealey-  (Gary's brother). Drove a white van, which made him suspect in a lot of rumors. He and Jessie got along very well and Jessie thought a lot of him according to her mother, Tammy. He does have a criminal history but as far as I can tell there was nothing that tied him to Jessie's murder.
  • J.D. Ealey-  (Gary's father)- Lived with Jessie, her two sons, and Gary in the Cross Anchor Trailer. Was in jail for drug charges but I have yet to see anything that would provide motive or proof that he had anything to do with Jessie's death. I was told he was very distraught over Jessie's death. 
  • Edward Hitchens- (Jessie and Gary's neighbor)- Testified that he saw and spoke with Jessie at 5:30pm the evening of her murder. He stated that he saw Jessie leave with an unknown male in a white van. If this is true that makes him the last person to see Jessie alive besides her killer. 
  • Sharon Burgner- (Emma's grandmother)- Emma is the daughter of Brittney Brown, William Smith's girlfriend at the time of Jessie's death. Vonda drove to pick up Emma from Sharon's house on the evening of August 12, 2016. Sharon testified that she noticed no blood in Vonda's car when she buckled Emma into the front seat of the Sunfire.
  • Brittney Brown- (William Smith's girlfriend at the time of Jessie's murder. Emma's mother) 
  • William Allen Smith- (Vonda's son and the father of Channing, Jessie's oldest son)- maintains his mother is innocent.  Trying to get custody of Channing from Tammy Morrison. 
  • Christian Smith (Vonda's son)- claimed to have been at work at the time of Jessie's murder. I can't find a record of that being corroborated 
  • Cassie Smith (Christian's wife, Vonda's daughter in law)
  • Shawn Gross- (Kamdyn's father, Jessie's youngest son)- was in Texas at the time of the murder. 
  • Roger Smith (Vonda's husband)-  Lives with Vonda at 415 Davis Valley Road, Afton, TN, in poor health due to cancer and other health issues. According to Vonda, he was at the home with Channing when she went to pick up Emma. She said she took Kamdyn with her. 
  • Vonda Star Smith- (incarcerated for the first-degree murder of Jessie Morrison and the second-degree murder of Jessie's fetus)  Vonda had only been a part of Channing's life for about a year. According to several people, Vonda had said bad things about Jessie and Tammy in the months before Jessie's death. Had said she saw one, maybe two white vans in her road when her car was dropped off at her house after letting Jessie use it. Claims she was assaulted and left for dead in a ditch in October 2016, several people say she claimed in secrecy it was Gary Ealey that assaulted her. There is no corroboration or proof of that in any way shape or form. She was at home with her husband Roger, Jessie's two sons, and Emma when police arrived and took possession of her car. She claimed she had loaned Jessie 1,000 dollars that day, there is no proof of that, that I have been able to find or even hear about. Vonda had written a letter referencing the song "The little girl" by John Michael Montgomery and had given it to a detective, in the letter Smith expresses concern about the well being of her grandson and her ability to have access to him in the future. "I'm just trying to save my grandson," she wrote in one passage.