Thursday, August 16, 2018

The BIG Elephant in the Murder Room

     Let us just address the Tumblr/Reddit blog here. I was told I needed to take a look again today after a new post.
     Ok, so let me just get how I feel out here...It is fiction if you think the person writing it went from "Free Vonda" to "I just want the truth for Jessie" you are probably in the wrong place. We have no time for gullibility. I don't subscribe to the sensationalism that is being woven obviously to benefit from this tragedy. I'm disgusted and so is Jessie's family.
     There is no conspiracy or threat to me or anyone else investigating this case. I'm not sure what makes one need to bend the truth to fit their desires, I think we all did that as children but there comes a time when you have to face facts. I align that blog with Infowars and I don't like people assuming that I can't see through their bullshit.
     It is a shame because the person writing it,  Vonda's relative,  is a good storyteller and I think they could write the hell out of a fiction novel. As good as they are, still, I am not buying the change of heart they are portraying after tearing down and trying to piss on the victims family and the victim herself. You have shown your true colors. If I read lies and nonsense, I will try to correct it. There is a lot of it on that blog and honestly, I'm not sure I have the time to cover all of it but moving forward I will be advocating for the victim and the victim's family. Jessie and her family are not a lesser class of people, contrary to how they are being painted by Ol' Alex Jones over on Tumblr.  These are OUR people. Tennessee people. 
     If you think there is corruption in the police department, I'm sure there probably is but it has nothing to do with this case. I can weave you a tale of endless conspiracies that would be fun as hell to read but you know what that is called? FICTION. To say you only want the truth, but then shy away from it makes me want to pull a Jack Nicholson. 
The amount of time spent on tearing down Crystal Ealey and Jessie's family and life choices makes me question the sanity of the author. Crystal (with whom I've spoken) is the current target of Ol Alex Tumblr Jones and it is disgusting. She is pregnant and not in the best of health. She can only devote so much of her life trying to defend herself to a lunatic. 
This is the statement I got from Crystal and Gary Ealey this afternoon:
"Yeah that lady’s just making herself look worse by doing what she’s doing. There’s a big difference between proving someone’s innocence and attacking others and accusing them and slandering them to try to make someone else look better. She’ll have what’s coming to her, God knows and whoever did it will have to face him someday. There’s nothing that can be done here on earth that will ever right the wrong that was done to that girl. And the best that person can do is admit to what they’ve done, ask for forgiveness, and take the repercussions for the things they have done. Whoever did it can not and will not ever live a good life, not with a weight like that on them every day for the rest of their life. And if it wasn’t Vonda, whoever did it has to live with the fact that they not only destroyed Jessie’s life, her children’s lives, and her family’s lives, but also allowed an innocent woman’s life and freedom to be taken from her also. And that would be a huge burden to carry around."

The Author of that post is nothing but a straw-grasping bully in my opinion, but it is out of desperation. Her family member, one she thought could NEVER be capable of such a thing and I'm sure that is a hard pill to swallow. 
 So let us all try to find the truth. Till next time...