Tuesday, August 21, 2018


What a lot of people don't realize is what took place in Jessie's day on August 12th before she dropped her car off with Gary and joined Vonda.
     Early that morning, Channing, age 3 at the time had surgery on his mouth. His surgery was in Johnson City.  Let's think about that for a minute. A child post surgery is groggy, whiney (sometimes), and just kind of out of it. Jessie stopped to see Vonda. Now, anything I put here would be hearsay. Some people say Jessie went to Vonda for help with her two sons, one fresh out of surgery. That seems feasible to me, but everyone that knew Jessie says there was never a time when she couldn't handle her children. No matter how sick, how fussy, how difficult they ever became, she could handle it. Now, that doesn't mean she didn't let Vonda help her that day. There are different accounts and opinion on why Vonda was the one to help Jessie that day and I'm not sure it is relevant. What is relevant is Vonda's feelings about Jessie and her kids, particularly the child she shared with Vonda's son, William.
   *** In order to stop repeating the children's names, I will be referring to Channing as "C" and Kamdyn as "K", Emma will be "E", that way their names aren't posted over and over. I am purposefully not putting their last names, I'm hoping to not need to use them often, but anything I put on here is public record that is available for anyone if they want to see it.
     Ok, so I have had numerous people tell me that Vonda was someone that liked to be in control of everything. I'm a lot like that myself, so that does not make a murderer. The thing is, Vonda hadn't been a part of "C" life until about a year before Jessie's death. Around the time that Vonda got the trailer for Jessie and her sons. Jessie had been allowing C to spend time with Vonda on the weekends. I have also seen evidence that she was allowing William to see C at those times. Well, here is the thing. Tammy has a pool, it was summer and Jessie asked her mom to get the pool ready for the kids to swim in and on the weekends, instead of being with Vonda, the boys and Jessie were at Tammy's pool trying to beat the heat.
     Now, in order to discuss a possible motive, we are going to have to do some spitballing. In my mind, I see this scenario, Vonda, who is not a rich lady by any means, rents a trailer for Jessie, helps Jessie with groceries and such and due to that feels like she should have access to C when she wants to. I could see where someone doing all that to help someone else would feel like they have earned the right to at least be able to keep her grandson on the weekends. I don't think that is unreasonable, even. I do think it is the first dark cloud in this shit storm, though.
      I also think Jessie may have even taken advantage of Vonda on occasion and I will tell you how she justified that. Jessie had raised C on her own for 2 years before Vonda came around. She, with the help of her family, had provided everything C needed without any help from his father or Vonda. I imagine that would make Jessie feel as if she was owed some retribution and the only form that could come in was money. I also don't think that is unreasonable. So we have two women, both mothers, walking a tedious line in a new relationship where they both felt entitled to things that, although not unreasonable, caused a building of tension in their relationship that was too new and delicate to navigate waters that rough. You add in the 'mama' bear personality both Vonda and Jessie had and you have the proverbial gas on the fire.
     So, I'm going to make a timeline here of events on August 12, 2016, based on court documents and newspaper articles and we will go from there.

  • 6:30 am- Jessie drops Gary off at work and keeps the car they shared so she could take C to his surgery at 8 am that morning. 
  • 8:00 am- C has surgery on his mouth.
  • 1:45- 2:00pm- Wic appointments at the Health Department. 
  • 3:00 pm- Jessie and Vonda go to Gary's work (Imerys) in separate cars. They meet with Gary (as shown on video surveillance) in the parking lot and Jessie leaves the car with Gary. (Gary testified that Vonda asked if he had lunch money, which fits with what everyone that knew her says, that she was a kind person, this also adds another layer to the 'entitlement' issue) 
  • 3:37 pm- They leave the Food city parking lot (as shown on Food City's security footage. (It is reported that Vonda bought Jessie groceries)
  • 3:50 pm- They arrive at Jessie's trailer (Cross Anchor Trailer Park) to drop off the groceries.  (Jessie didn't take the time to put them away, we know this because they were found still sitting in her floor)
  • 3:55 pm- ( I use this time because the groceries weren't put away which leads me to believe she didn't get the kids out of Vonda's car, that she just dropped her stuff off and left again) I don't think she was there long. 
  • 4:05 pm- This is the amount of time it takes to get from Jessie's place to Vonda's house, which is where Vonda says they went next. 
  • 4:30- 4:45 pm- Vonda says Jessie left in her car with 1,000 dollars that she had given her to pay bills. Vonda says she kept the boys for Jessie. (I have two thoughts about this. I struggle to think that Jessie would leave her son, C, with Vonda seeing as how he had just had surgery. I do also think though, if she had errands to run, as a mom she would have wanted C to rest so she may have left him with Vonda to run errands. Personally, I don't think Jessie ever left Vonda's alive.)
  • 5:30 pm- Edward Hitchens (Jessie's neighbor) testifies that he talked to Jessie and that she left in a white van with 2 unidentified men. (Now, I know he was under oath, but I have tried to corroborate this and I cannot find one person to attest to his credibility. Quite the contrary actually. Jessie wouldn't have gotten into a white van with 2 men when her kids, one fresh out of surgery, were with Vonda waiting for her to return.)
  • 6:00 - 6:15 pm- Vonda says she sees that her car has been returned. She also says she sees one, possibly two white vans and a male and that they drive off, leaving her car for her)
  • 6:20 pm- Vonda says she leaves C, recovering from surgery, with her husband Roger while she goes to get E at Sharon Burgner's house. 
  • 6:50 - 7:00 pm- Vonda picks up E from Sharon's house. Sharon puts E in the car, it is reported E had to sit on a towel. 
  • 7:10 pm- Gary got off work 
  • 7:30 pm- Jessie's body is found by an elderly man walking his dog. 
Now, I think someone's name is being left out of this timeline by Vonda. From 4:30 pm - 6:20 pm, that is when I think Jessie was murdered. I don't think she left Vonda's house alive. I don't know what Edward Hitchens would have to gain by lying in court in such a manner that it would support Vonda's story. It will surface though, the truth always does.
Until next time...

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