Thursday, August 23, 2018

Evidence of Injury

     In the autopsy report, they break down the injuries that were inflicted on Jessie.
 DISCLAIMER: This is an in-depth assessment of a violent and grotesque attack on the victim. This is hard to read. I cried no less than 5 times writing this post. You may think it is wrong of me to post these findings, but I assure you, after talking with her mother, the things she has had to see and read about this, these findings pale in comparison. Her mother and family want the truth. We are going to find it.
      I want you to think about these injuries, as each took an action, a deliberate action, from the perpetrator. I think once you read this and if you really think about it, you will see that Vonda could not have carried this act out alone, especially not on a fighter like our Jessie.

  1. Red abrasions and contusions are present over the anterior right forehead, measuring 3 1/2 by 3 inches. 
  2. A 7/8 inch Y-shaped laceration involves the anterior right forehead. The skull is visible under the abrasion.
  3. A 1-5/8 by 1/4 inches horizontal laceration is on the right upper eyelid and overlies a 3 by 2-inch dark purple-red contusion which encircles the right eye and extends onto the anterior right cheek. The right eye is swollen (edematous)
  4. A 2-1/2 by 1-1/2 inch area of red-purple ecchymosis (possible contusion) encircles the left eye.
  5. Pink-red contusions and abrasions involve the anterior medial right cheek, measuring 1-3/4 by 7/8 inches in aggregate.  
  6. Blue contusions are scattered over the face, ranging from 3/8 inch to 1 inch. 
  7. A 1/2 inch laceration is present on the lateral left eyebrow. 
  8. Extending on the lateral left face, lateral to the left eye, is a 5/8 inch laceration. Overlying and posterior to the lacerations is a 3 by 1-1/2 inch purple-pink contusion. 
  9. The lateral left face has a 3/16 inch red abrasion
  10. A large 4-1/2 by 2-1/4 inch gaping laceration extends on the posterior head. The laceration has a flap of skin through the middle. Extending from the edges of the gaping laceration are radiating lacerations, ranging from 3/16 inch to 1 inch. The skull underlying the laceration is fractured.  
  11. A 7/8 inch purple contusion involves the left side of the upper lip. A 5/16 inch orange-red abrasion/contusion involves the right side of the lower lip.        
  12. The inner mucosa on the top jaw (gingiva) has a 1/4 inch purple contusion on both sides of the upper frenulum. The upper frenulum has a 5/16 inch pink- red abrasion. Extending from the left side of the bottom jaw inner mucosa to the left side of the bottom lip is 3/4 inch purple contusion.
  13. Purple-red contusions involve the posterior neck and the upper back. Ranging from 1/2 inch to 1 inch.
  14. On the lateral right neck is a 1 by 3/4 inch pink contusion.
  15. The anterior right chest, superior to the right breast, has a 2 by 1/2 inch blue contusion
  16. A 1-1/2 by 3/4 inch faint pink contusion is on the anterior left lower chest. 
  17. A faint roughly circular pink lesion is on the anterior left abdomen, measuring 1-1/4 by 1-1/16 inches.     
  18. Two red-purple contusions involve the right upper back / posterior right shoulder, measuring 5 1/2 by 3 inches and 3-1/2 by 2 inches, respectively from medial to lateral. 
  19. A 1/4 inch red-orange abrasion is on the right lower back.
  20. The lateral right upper arm has a 1-3/8 inch red abrasion. The medial inferior right upper arm has a 3/4 inch faint blue contusion. 
     This is only half of it. Half of the listed injuries inflicted that can be seen on the OUTSIDE, by the naked eye. There are 20 more but honestly, I don't have the stomach to put them all on this one post. I will post them in the next one, I feel like it takes a while to really read these and try to picture what went into creating this destruction to a pregnant young woman. I think you will understand why I am driven to help solve this. There is someone out there, someone capable of doing this and sleeping at night, and I don't want this happening to anyone else. So look around you, if you know anyone connected to Jessie in any way shape or form that also has a connection to Vonda, pay attention. Watch for unpredictable behaviors, keep yourself safe. Email me if you find anything odd or peculiar. As always, sources can/will remain anonymous.
Until next time...                               

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