Saturday, August 25, 2018

Forensic Biology Report

There were a lot of samples taken for testing in this case. There were a lot of samples that didn't get tested, and some that are still waiting to be tested. I'm not sure what caused the state to do this preemptive strike on Vonda and Vonda alone but I don't think it is the last we will be hearing from the State concerning charges in this case.
I'm going to list the samples taken here:

  • Swabs form steering wheel cover, emergency brake, gear shift (DNA testing was performed. The profile obtained was consistent with a mixture of at least 3 individuals, including at least one male. Due to the complexity of the mixture, further interpretation of this DNA profile is deemed to be inconclusive)
  • Swabs from the exterior rooftop near passenger door jam (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Cutting from the front passenger seat (Presumptive tests indicated the presence of blood. Further testing indicated the presence of human hemoglobin, a component of human blood. The DNA profile obtained matches, Jessie Morrison)
  • Cutting from front passenger seat back ( No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from behind passenger interior door handle (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from passenger side floorboard front (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from passenger side interior ceiling (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified)
  • Swabs from passenger side interior bottom door jam (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from passenger rear floorboard. (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Cutting from the driver's seat. (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from the center console (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from the dashboard. (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Swabs from passenger side visor. (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.) 
  • Steering wheel cover. (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Cigarette package and cigarettes from center console cupholder. (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Coke bottle from the floorboard. (DNA testing was performed, the DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, including at least one male. The major contributor is that of an unknown female individual, (Unknown Female #1) Due to the limited minor contributor profile obtained, interpretation of the minor contributor profile is deemed to be inconclusive.)
  • Mtn Dew bottle from the floorboard. (Lip of bottle: DNA testing was performed, the profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, including at least one male. The major contributor matches Jessie Morrison. Due to the limited minor contributor profile obtained, interpretation of the minor contributor profile is deemed to be inconclusive.)
  • Leaf near body #1(No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Leaf near body #2(No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Leaf near body #3(No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Leaf near body #4(No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • A swab of stain on Jud Neal Loop #1 (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • A swab of stain on Jud Neal Loop #2 (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • A swab of stain on Jud Neal Loop #3 (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • A piece of paper with orders from Dr. Pillion and Smith (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Black pair of children's shorts (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Exam form paper from JCMC (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Paper map of JCMC (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Paper towel from Jud Neal Loop Rd. (Presumptive tests indicated the presence of blood. Further testing indicated the presence of human hemoglobin, a component of human blood. The DNA profile is that of an unknown female individual.) (Unknown female #2)
  • Paper with Channing Morrison's name from the scene (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Jessie Morrison's driver's license from the scene (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Buccal swabs from Gary Ealey (A complete DNA profile was obtained for comparison.)
  • Buccal swabs from William and Roger Smith (A complete DNA profile was obtained for comparison.)
  • Bag from Jessie Morrison's right hand (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Bag from Jessie Morrison's left hand (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Right-hand nail clippings from Jessie Morrison and clippers (No examination was performed. This exhibit may be a candidate for Y-STR analysis.)
  • Left-hand nail clippings form Jessie Morrison and clippers (No examination was performed. This exhibit may be a candidate for Y-STR analysis.)
  • Jeans, shirt, cami top from Jessie Morrison (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Bra from Jessie Morrison (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Headband (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Cloth from the abdomen (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • Buccal swabs from Jessie Morrison(Examination did not indicate the presence of semen. Presumptive testing indicated the presence of alpha-amylase which is a component of saliva. Alpha-amylase is also a component of urine and feces.) No DNA profile other than Jessie Morrison was obtained.)
  • Swabs of all body cavities  (examination did not indicate the presence of semen. No DNA profile other than Jessie Morrison was obtained)
  • Abdominal swabs from Jessie Morrison (Presumptive testing did not indicate the presence of alpha-amylase which is a component of saliva)
  • Underwear from Jessie Morrison (Examination confirmed the presence of spermatozoa. Non-sperm: The DNA profile is consistent with Jessie Morrison. An additional allele was obtained at locus D5S818. Due to this limited information, interpretation of this additional allele is deemed to be inconclusive.    Sperm: The DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, where the major contributor profile matches Gary Ealey. Due to the limited minor contributor profile obtained, interpretation of the minor contributor profile is deemed to be inconclusive.)
  • Pulled scalp hair from Jessie Morrison (No examination was performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified. The TBI does not perform testing and analysis of hairs.)
  • The swab of a fingerprint from the abdomen (dry) of Jessie Morrison (No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)
  • A swab of a fingerprint from the abdomen (wet) of Jessie Morrison (No DNA profile other than Jessie Morrison was obtained.)
  • Blood standard from Jessie Morrison of Jessie Morrison ( A complete DNA profile was obtained for comparison)
  • A swab of chest area (dry) of Jessie Morrison(No examination performed. The contents of this exhibit were not verified.)

     There are a LOT of rumors going around about what was found and not found in the forensic aspect of this case. Everything I have posted here is directly from the official forensic report. 

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