Thursday, October 25, 2018


I'm waiting on the transcripts to be finished. I don't know for certain when they will be done so writing anything other than theories has become almost impossible. I'm not a huge fan of that so I usually choose to just remain silent.

I do write in between posts, just not things that are ready to be published. I am only posting this because it might inspire someone that knows something about any of this to reach out to me.

 I'm not necessarily saying they mean anything or point to proof of any sort, but they are things that do not sit well with me, one way or another.

  • She got pregnant with her oldest son at the age of 16. William Smith was the father, he was 28 at the time. That is a pretty gross age difference if you ask me. It makes me uncomfortable to think about. I'm not sure why statutory rape wasn't pursued but I wish it would have been.
  • William has a history of violence with other girlfriends and it seems a lot of girls in this area think that is just something that happens in relationships. That makes me both sad and angry.
  • I feel like her sons may have witnessed what happened to their mother and that is probably the most disturbing thing I can imagine.
  • Jessie was trying to better herself for her kids. She was one month away from finishing school and moving to a career she could be proud of and be a provider to her two sons.
  • Gary has a very long history of violence against women. He had even been 'handsy' with Jessie. He had never hit her, as far as we know, just pushy and such, which is still unacceptable. He has not made it easy to show he is innocent that is for sure. Everyone keeps forgetting he has a rock-solid alibi though.
  • That I still have to explain why I don't think Vonda is innocent. I don't have to prove she is guilty, a court of law already did that, I just have to point out the obvious lies and bullshit being spread by her family. I don't think she did it alone, and from interviewing Jessie's friends and family, even some of Vonda's acquaintances, that is a justified conclusion. 
  • It really bothers me that people not related to Jessie, think it is relevant, or productive, to try to trash Jessie's mother...or Jessie for that matter. 
  • That the author of the other blog acts like she is "Varys" from Game of Thrones calling people, "my little birds", I don't like to be treated like someone's servant or talked down to and  I doubt I am the only one that feels that way. Which brings me to another thing, she acts like she had no idea there was another blogger (me) and that she doesn't read it...nonsense. I read hers, her blog is the reason I was inspired to post facts and not the nonsensical musings of a tin foil hat wearing maniac. I have no games to play. I read it, I check to see if she has posted because I feel the need to correct the lies. 
  • That the transcripts aren't available yet. I get that they take time, but I have been told that the judge doesn't want them released until after the appeal hearings. I don't like information hoarding, even when there is a good reason for it, it's still frustrating a hell.
I could continue this list for miles but I'm not sure anyone is interested. Let me know the things that bother you about this case. 
Until next time...

Friday, October 12, 2018

DNA Forensics

Ok, I have gone over this before, but as I get asked about it a lot and I realized I can't always just answer those questions off the top of my head. That tells me it won't hurt to go over it all again.
So, that is what we are going to do.
Disclaimer: I am not a genius. I don't even play one on T.V. 
I do not think I know everything and if I post something that you disagree with because you do have expertise in DNA testing results please reach out to me. I am always looking to learn more.
Alright, now that we have covered that...
Let's go over the Offical Forensic Biology Report
The first one was issued 11/1/16, there are more and I will include those results and state what date they were issued. 
Here are the results listed:

Swabs from steering wheel cover, emergency brake, and gear shift from Vonda's car:
The DNA profile obtained was consistent with a mixture of at least 3 individuals, including at least one male. Due to the complexity of the mixture, further interpretation of this DNA profile is deemed inconclusive.
Further testing on this, issued 2/3/17, states that the DNA profile from the unknown female individual (unknown female #2) did not match Vonda Smith.

Cutting from the front passenger seat of Vonda's car:
presumptive tests indicated the presence of blood. Further testing indicated human blood, the DNA obtained matches, Jessie Morrison.

Coke bottle from the floorboard:
DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least 2 individuals, including at least one male. The major contributor is that of an unknown female individual (Unknown Female #1) Interpretation of the minor contributor profile is deemed to be inconclusive. The exhibit was forwarded to the Latent Print Unit in Nashville for additional testing. According to the DNA report from 2/3/17, the Unknown Female #1 turned out to match Vonda Smith. 

Mountain Dew bottle from floorboard:
Lip of the bottle: DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, including at least one male. the major contributor is Jessie Morrison. The minor contributor profile is deemed inconclusive.
Stained Area: Presumptive tests indicated the presence of blood. Further testing indicated the presence of human blood. The DNA profile obtained was Jessie Morrison. This exhibit was forwarded to the Latent Print Unit in Nashville for additional testing.

Paper towel from Jud Neal Loop Rd:
Testing indicated the presence of human blood. The DNA profile obtained is that of a female individual (Unknown female #2)

Vaginal swabs from Jessie Morrison: 11/1/16
The examination did not indicate the presence of semen. On 6/23/17 report it states the Y-STR profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two males. The major contributor matches Gary Ealey and JD Ealey. Therefore, they cannot be excluded as the source of this male DNA profile and, barring a mutation, neither can any of their paternal male relatives. Due to the limited minor contributor profile obtained, interpretation of the minor profile is deemed to be inconclusive. 
I am no Scientist, but I have read about Y-STR DNA testing and as far as I can understand, all paternally linked males have the same Y-STR profile. Which is why it is in the report that it could be Gary and JD as the major contributors. It doesn't mean she had sex with J.D. Ealey. If anyone knows any different feel free to correct me but I am almost certain that I am understanding this correctly. That is also why it states it couldn't rule out any other of Gary's paternal relatives. So let us all take a moment to realize that THIS RESULT DOES NOT INDICATE SHE HAD SEX WITH JD OR ANY OTHER OF GARY'S RELATIVES. IT ONLY SHOWS SHE HAD SEX WITH A MALE FROM THAT FAMILY, WHICH WAS, OF COURSE, GARY, HER FIANCE. 
This result has been used to weave many a conspiracy theories trying to implicate Gary in a "crime of passion" after he found out Jessie had been sleeping with his father. This is not only nonsense it is defamation of Jessie's character. Let's not do that. 
Also, that is only the case with males, hence the Y, as in Y- chromosome.  So the idea that the blood in the car was Channings due to him having had oral surgery that morning is ignorant. It wasn't. It was tested. It was Jessie's. 

Underwear from Jessie Morrison:
Examination confirmed the presence of spermatozoa. 
Nonsperm: The DNA profile is consistent with Jessie Morrison. An additional allele was obtained at locus D5S818. Due to this limited information, interpretation of this additional allele is deemed to be inconclusive. 

Sperm: The DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, where the major contributor profile matches Gary Ealey. Due to the limited minor contributor profile obtained, interpretation of the minor contributor profile is deemed to be inconclusive. 

A swab of the fingerprint from Jessie Morrison's abdomen:
No DNA profile other than the ASSUMED contributor Jessie Morrison was obtained.

Jessie Morrison's driver's license from the scene:
Per the report issued 2/3/17 The limited partial DNA profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least two individuals, including at least one male. Due to the limited profile obtained, further interpretation of this profile is deemed to be inconclusive.
Per the report issued on 6/23/17 There was a DNA profile found of an unknown male, Gary Ealey, William Smith, Roger Smith, and JD Ealey is excluded as the source of this male DNA profile.

Right-hand nail clippings from Jessie Morrison:
Per the report, 6/23/17 Presumptive tests indicated the presence of blood. Testing for human blood was not performed due to a limited sample. The Y-STR profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least 3 males. Due to the limited profile obtained and the unknown number of potential contributors, this profile is deemed to be inconclusive. 

Left-hand nail clippings from Jessie Morrison:
Y-STR profile obtained is consistent with a mixture of at least 3 males. The major contributor is from an unknown male (unknown male #2), therefore, Gary Ealey, William Smith, Roger Smith, and JD Ealey are excluded as the source. 

These results leave a lot unanswered. DNA is very complex. What does this tell us though? 

Let me know what you guys think.
I found lots of sites that were full of information about DNA, I wanted to share a couple of them here in case you were interested in being able to understand DNA testing and results, don't rely on this only but it is a good starting point:

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Let's Go Over Things

I highly recommend going back to the beginning of the blog and reading all of the posts, but I can also understand that it may seem a daunting task. I am going to go back over the forensic report here in the next blog post for any newcomers.
It is a catastrophic blow to anyone saying Vonda was set up, I personally, (which doesn't mean anything, btw), think it shows she couldn't have possibly pulled this off on her own. 
Now, I have received several messages saying that some think Vonda did this alone and that Roger (her husband) helped load Jessie's body into the car so Vonda could dispose of it.
Maybe that is what happened, unfortunately, we don't know for sure. We do know that Roger failed his polygraph test, according to more than 3 different people I have talked to that have heard all the evidence from trial. When I hear it from several folks that aren't friends with one another or connected to either family, I start to lean toward believing it as fact. You use your own discretion. 
I believe he failed it, what I'm unsure of is whether or not he was even a good candidate for it to begin with.
He is very ill, according to some, and honestly, I just have issues wanting to place blame on him based on nothing other than the polygraph. The polygraph doesn't pick up on lies, it picks up on changes in pulse and heart rate and such.
It picks up on anxiety and reaction.
He did say he didn't think Jessie left their house that day. I believe that as well, she didn't leave, not alive anyway. 
So, going back through the forensic report is going to take me a while. I could copy/paste the other one, or just reshare what we already went over, but I think looking at it again will not be a waste of time. I think looking at something again is always a good idea. I have looked at it at least 100 times, but I'm only human. I'm doing the best I can with it all.
I also want to take this opportunity to state that I am not married to any conclusion I have come to thus far. If I see evidence or hear (and can prove) something that leads me in another direction, then I am not afraid to take back any of my previous conclusions. I don't have an enemy, I just want justice. I want it for Jessie and her children. I want it for Jessie's family. 
Until next time... 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Exploitation of A Murder

I know it is hard for Vonda's family to believe she had any part in killing Jessie, but she did. 
I can imagine that is a hard thing to grasp, I wouldn't want to believe it about my Aunt, Mother, Sister, or friend. At some point though, you have to follow the evidence. You can't make up conspiracy theories and nonsensical corruption against one lone 21-year-old girl. It didn't happen that way. The police officers may not have done everything perfectly but no one does, they are not the bad guys in this case.  Jessie never did drugs and had nothing to do with a 'drug ring' as Vonda tried to make it seem. Because apparently murdering a girl isn't enough, you have to try to destroy her reputation as well. 
Vonda saying, "It was drug related" the day after Jessie died while on the phone with Angie Hickerson is disgusting enough. It was her desperate attempt to distract people from looking in her direction and it is still being used and it honestly makes me sick to my stomach. 
(These are the toxicology reports from Jessie's autopsy report, she was clear of everything except caffeine.)
So not only is that appalling and cruel, now Vonda's family wants to shop out this horrible crime to true crime shows and that is nothing less than exploitation and I can't find anything much more repulsive than that. 
How does one justify that to themselves when your relative is the murderer, not the victim?
Maybe lack of empathy is hereditary? 
I do have empathy for Vonda's family, they don't want to believe she could be capable of this. I'm sure they miss her and have convinced themselves she is somehow a victim as well. 
I have to hope they will come to accept the truth before they cause even more harm to the actual victim's family. 
Jessie's mother has been approached by the show, "Snapped". She will not even consider participating in anything like that until after the appeals process is over and done. Which is what was instructed by the DA. It is her prerogative to participate or not to participate. 
Now, Vonda's family can also choose. 
Let's hope they can have empathy for Jessie and her family. 
Being "excited" over anything not related to finding who else was involved WITH Vonda is pretty low. 
I just wanted to make it clear, on behalf of Jessie's family, that nothing goes unnoticed about Jessie. 
I do NOT ever want any of you to read this blog and think I am trying to string you along with "we have a new something or another, just you wait."
We are better and smarter than that. 
My heart goes out to all of Jessie's friends and family because some people just can't come to the conclusion they have been hurt enough. I would like to have ignored all of this, but it was brought to me by her immediate family and therefore I felt it needed to be addressed. 
Until the next time... 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ebb and Flow

Since I started this I have noticed it is as if I get a rush of information and ideas and I can't get posts typed out fast enough. Then there are times, like now, things slow down. It never lasts but when the information ebbs and interest creeps out from shore, it makes me anxious. 
I feel as if I must be missing something. 
I feel like I am letting Jessie down. 
I did learn a few interesting bits of information today. A couple of things that I can't prove so I hesitate to share it. One thing is that Jessie's ID was found torn in half on the side of the road. Another thing I learned today from someone that was very close to Jessie, is that Vonda had sent Jessie messages threatening to kill her prior to her death. Jessie didn't take them seriously and laughed it off. This is according to a relative of hers that saw the text messages themselves. 
Chris had come around before Jessie's death to see Channing. He had been pleasant to them up until the time of the trial. At trial, as he walked past the Morrison family he called them "pieces of shit" among other things. 
I don't understand how people flip to hatred so quickly. 
I'm not overly shocked that Jessie's DL was found on the side of the road, but why take the time to break it? You know the material they are made of isn't paper, so someone had taken a knife to it or stood there and bent it back and forth until it broke apart. That is just an odd thing to do in my opinion. It doesn't necessarily mean anything groundbreaking but it is strange in my opinion. 
The messages though. I mean I think that is huge but not really useful because we already know Vonda is guilty. I wonder if she mentioned anyone helping her in her "threats"  I'd like to see them.
Anyway, that's it for today. If you got any info please let me know, got any questions? Let's hear them. 
Until next time...

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hypothetical Timeline and Time of Death

On the Facebook page for this blog, there is a "Timeline" post pinned to the top. That timeline is as factual as we could come up with using only documented facts, well this one involves some ideas that we haven't yet been able to "prove". As you know I like to keep everything fact-based but I think in order to move forward we are going to have to allow ourselves to spit-ball and see what could and couldn't happen within the time constraints. Just know as you read, these are my ideas and nothing more than that. They may turn out to be true but as of right now, they are not proven. 

The other timeline we had covered Jessie's day. We knew Vonda was at work. You want to know what we don't know? Where was Willy? His alibi was that he was home (the house he shared with Brittney Brown in 2016) He said he was there all day because she had their only car at work. Ok, fine. BUT, what if she dropped him off at Vonda's house to be with his dad before she went to work? 
I have heard (so this isn't a fact, it is hearsay) that there were no calls made from Willy's phone that day. This doesn't shock me as he told me himself he uses burner phones and works hard to stay "off grid" That doesn't mean he was sitting at home where his phone was at according to someone that was close to the case and trial. So, what if we assume that Willy was already at Vonda's house that day.

August 12, 2016, So let's go:
6:30 am- Jessie drops Gary off at work at Emery's 

8:00 am- Jessie takes Channing to Johnson city for oral surgery.

1:45 - 2:00 pm- WIC appointments at the Greeneville Health Department.

3:00 pm- Jessie and Vonda go to Gary's work (Imerys) in separate cars. They meet with Gary (as shown on video surveillance) in the parking lot and Jessie leaves the car with Gary. 

3:37 pm- Jessie, Vonda, and Jessie's two sons leave Food city. This was shown by security footage provided by Food City.

3:50 pm- Jessie and Vonda arrived at Jessie's trailer, (cross anchor trailer park), the officer that arrived later that night for the missing person report stated that the person that lived behind Jessie saw her get into a white car with an elderly woman. (a contradiction to the story Edward Hitchen told on the stand) The groceries are left in the floor of Jessie's trailer. 

4:00 pm- I think this is around the time Jessie, Vonda, and Jessie's two sons arrived at Vonda's house. I think Willy was already there.

This is the time I think Jessie was murdered. Now, do I think it was premeditated? No, I am sure with Vonda's complete frustration with Jessie she had thought of doing it before, but what is the difference between thinking about it and carrying it out? What is the catalyst? I think it was the loss of control. I have heard from more than a few people that Vonda ruled that house and although her son, Willy could be considered troubled at the very least, he did what she wanted and when push came to shove he did what his Mother told him to do. I'm not sure that is very odd, but loyalty can be very powerful. 

4:30 - 4:45pm- Vonda says this is the time Jessie left in her car with $1,000 dollars that she gave her to pay bills. 
    I think Jessie was dead at this time. I think Jessie may have left her house in her car, but not alive. I think this may be more telling of the time of death than even the autopsy. I feel like she would want to mention when Jessie died, and cover it with something such as, "I gave her 1,000 dollars of my mattress money and she took off in my car." 
    Sort of like a Freudian slip, but with murder. An unconscious slip of the tongue. She wanted to make sure that time was accounted for and that it had NOTHING to do with Jessie's death. That is just my opinion.
    Even Roger Smith said he didn't think Jessie left their house, another slip up I'm sure Vonda wasn't pleased about. 
     Here is one of the scenarios that I think could have played out:

     Jessie goes to Laughlin after her WIC appointment, perhaps asking for money from Vonda. Vonda (hasn't been able to keep Channing for the past couple of weekends due to Jessie taking them to Tammy's to swim in the pool) is frustrated that she keeps helping Jessie but that Jessie won't let the boys stay with her. I think she took Jessie and paid for her groceries and they dropped the groceries off (this is where her neighbor said he witnessed her getting into a white car with an elderly woman). I think from there they went to Vonda's and Vonda wanted to keep Channing for this weekend. (It was a Friday) I think she helped Jessie with the expectation of being able to control when she saw Channing. Well, Channing had just had surgery and anyone that knew Jessie has told me there is NO way she would leave Channing there after that. 
    I think Jessie and Vonda exchanged words, much like they did in the text messages, but this was face to face and Jessie wasn't the type to not get her hackles up when someone was trying to tell her what to do with her children. I think Jessie may have gotten in Vonda's face, her personality makes this feasible to me, and that is when I think someone else stepped in. I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility that Vonda and Jessie got physical with one another and a third party saw that Vonda was NOT going to come out on top. 
    I think someone, and honestly, I think it was one of Vonda's sons, stepped in to defend Vonda and hit her in the head with something. A hammer or a bat is the most common weapons concerning the injuries listed in her autopsy.
    I don't think this knocked her out because she still had the sense to use her arms to continue to block blows that were given to her all over her body. I'm sure she was trying to protect her unborn child more so than herself because that seems to be the type of person she was, and I think this happened in Vonda's driveway while the kids were still in the car. Now think about what that would mean. 
    Vonda and Channing's clothing from that day, as witnessed in the Food City video, were never located. Kam's shorts were found on the side of the road, discarded. 
    I think this happened within the hour after they left Food City. Vonda didn't answer her phone for hours. She did answer it once though, on her way to get Emma. One of Jessie's sisters called Vonda, looking for Jessie, and Vonda said she was going to Willy's to pick up Emma. Now, I'm not saying she didn't accidentally slip up and say Willy's when she meant Sharon's, and honestly, I'm not sure it matters because Willy and Brittney lived very close to Sharon's, so I don't think it is crazy to consider that Vonda may have dropped Willy off on her way to get Emma. 
    Her and Willy I think worked like hell to get that car cleaned up and still give her time to create an alibi. I don't think they expected Jessie to be found that quickly. I'm sure they thought they would have a bigger window of time to work with, to blur the lines. 

    Anyway, that's all I've got, for now, let me know what you think. 
                                      Until next time...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jessie Nicole Morrison

Today I want to recognize Jessie Morrison as a human being, not just a victim.
She was so many things and I have been interviewing people that knew her and trying to get to know her. Sometimes it feels like I am trying to befriend a ghost.

(snagged with permission from her sister, Trista. A lot of the pictures used in this blog post will be from her.)

I think most people are intrigued by murder.
We are fascinated by the human condition and trying to figure out what lets someone slip into the taboo area where they become judge and executioner. We want to slip into the mind frame of both the murderer and the murdered. We want to understand it, we want to right the wrongs. 

So that leads us to justice. It is the only way to feel that we (those left behind) aren't powerless. That people can't take the most important thing in the world to you (a loved one) without any repercussions.  A part of that justice, I feel, is respecting the victim as something more than that. Respecting them by getting to know them and exactly what the world is now missing. I am hoping to do that in this post. 

I have taken some time to talk with her family, trying to not be pushy, so I didn't pursue speaking to anyone that might not have been comfortable with speaking to me. I did speak to 2 of her sisters and her mother, Tammy. 

One thing that is very obvious to me is that she was tough. Her mother told me that Jessie was very athletic and played softball most of her life. She was good at it and that has passed down to her son, Channing. 
She was 17 when she became pregnant with Channing (Willy was 27 or 28 at the time. He was born in 1984.)
She finished and graduated high school with her class. 
She loved children, not just her own. She was very close to her nephew, Jace and her niece, Kynlee. 

 Family was huge for Jessie. She didn't have her mom babysit her kids so she could go out and party or be "young", she stayed home with her kids. You don't see that a lot with young mothers.
She made friends easily and was outgoing and the life of any gathering. She had a great sense of humor and didn't take life too seriously.

Her family, all of them, will tell you she would always be there for them no matter what they needed. She put family and loyalty above all else. She took no shit and was brutally honest. She wasn't going to be nice to you if you didn't deserve it and she wasn't going to change herself to make you more comfortable. 
Her mother said she was a very loving person and a joy to be around. 

Her sister Trista said there were just too many things that made Jessie great to list them all. She told me that Jessie was a great mother and that she loved her boys more than anything else in the world. She also told me that she would do anything for her family and that she was a very giving person. Trista and Jessie were very very close. 

Her sister Kayla told me that she always had her their back no matter what. She told me about how tough and caring Jessie was 

The world is less without Jessie. 
We have one less friend, on less mother that loved her children, one less badass that knew how to stand up for what she believed in and we need all of those types of people we can get. 
I didn't know Jessie, I wasn't a friend of the family or even an acquaintance but even I can feel the loss. 
I just don't want us to lose sight of why we go over heartbreaking details that stir up feelings of pain and devastation. 
Her death wasn't easy and justice won't be either. 
Vonda is where she should be, but someone else isn't. 
We do this because she deserves complete justice, not just convenient justice. 
This isn't about having the most blog traffic or popularity this is about truth and justice for those Jessie was forced to leave behind. Let us never forget that. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

How close were Jessie and Vonda? Let's read some texts, shall we?

I have pretty much written this blog post 3 times. The blogging of text messages never comes out quite the way I want it to and I really hate to make people more confused about this case. I do think it is worth the possibility of an "ugly" blog post just to be able to provide screenshots because that will be more official than me just saying I have them and typing them out for you. 
I do want to say, these are photocopies of screenshots. Some are between Vonda and Jessie (which is listed under two different contact names in Vonda's phone. One says, "Jessie" and the other says "KamChanning" The "KamChanning" was Jessie's old number. I think Vonda changed the name to "KamChanning" because she was documenting every single thing they did or offered to do for Channing.)
I know she was documenting because after Jessie's death Tammy had emergency custody of Channing. They had a court date and the judge was ordering William to take a DNA test because they were wanting custody of Channing immediately after Jessie's death. It wasn't a custody hearing, per say, but Vonda was prepared for one. She was wielding a notebook filled with taped down receipts for anything that could be contributed to being used for Channing or Kam. When they removed Vonda from the courtroom (I think per Tammy's request) She left the notebook with William. It was meticulously recorded. Every penny. 
As you read these you are going to think that Jessie was sure asking for a lot of money and help and to that, I say, "So what?" She and her mother had been responsible for everything Channing had ever needed since birth. William knew Jessie was pregnant and he wanted nothing to do with the baby. He never visited when Channing was born early and in PICU for months. So I think Jessie felt entitled to as much help as Vonda and Willy could afford, and I don't think she was wrong, honestly. Even if you think she was, that doesn't merit being beaten to death, now does it? 
So, I think these texts show it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies between Jessie and Vonda. Tammy had tried her best to make Vonda feel comfortable with Channing, or that is the impression I get from the text messages. That is a complete contradiction of the claims she made after Jessie was murdered. She claimed she had to rush to get custody because Tammy was unfit and a drunk. 
So why did  Tammy and Vonda's friendly communication turn into Vonda and Vonda's family character assassination of Tammy?
Obsession. In these texts, you will see that she mentions Willy and her husband being upset because Jessie wouldn't allow Channing to be there with them. So here we go. I will try to make these as easy to follow as I can, we will be discussing these off and on so I want you guys to be able to read them.
Texts between Vonda and Tammy:

 All I see here is Tammy being more than kind to Vonda and to be fair, Vonda being appreciative of that kindness. 

These are the text messages between Vonda and Jessie (her old number), the handwritten notes you see in the margins are from Vonda. These were printed out by Vonda so keep in mind these are the ones she thought made Jessie look the worst or at the very least made her look the best. 

These are also between Jessie and Vonda:

What I find to be unbelievable is Vonda's claim that everything was just fine between her and Jessie. I think I see where she might have felt like she was being used by Jessie, but she was also using Jessie. She was buttering her up so she could get her to bend to her will concerning Channing. I have spoken to people that have heard from Willy himself and his exes that Vonda was manipulative and controlling. I think these show traces of that. 
I also posted the ones of Jessie that aren't very flattering, because that is just the reality. She was resentful and not afraid to say exactly what she thought. She wasn't a fake, these show that Vonda was in my opinion. 

Let me know what Y'all think
Until next time...

Friday, September 21, 2018

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

It is easy to be on the outside looking in and say we would do something differently, or better than the ones actually doing it. I think in every murder case if you have ever flipped your TV over to the ID channel, has a list of things that could have been investigated better or more thoroughly. That is because even detectives are human.
Do I think there were some things that could have been done that might have made a huge difference? Yes, I do. 
I want to start this by saying, I wasn't there at the scene and I am not in any way trying to talk badly about the detectives that worked this case. These are just a few of the things that a lot of people, including myself, have had questions about and I would like to know if any of you have any answers for them:

  1. I have asked several times, even from people that sat through the entire trial, about Chris and Willy's alibis. I have heard that Willy's was just that he was home (The home he shared with Brittney, If I'm not mistaken) alone and that she had the car that day. I have heard that Chris was working in Alaska, but also heard that was contradicted during testimony by a member of their own family that said that Chris helped Vonda bury their dog around that time. I think this testimony was from an elderly person so they may have just mixed up Willy's name with Chris. I would like to hear what you all have to say.
  2. In the Food City surveillance video, you can see the clothes that Vonda and Jessie were wearing. I have heard more than once that Vonda's clothes from that video were never found and neither were C's. If you have any information concerning that please contact me. As usual, you will remain anonymous. 
  3. Also, as far as I can find, there were never any dogs brought out to where she was found to look for evidence. Surely there is a reason for that, I'm just not sure what it would be and would love to find out. I would think they could have located any of Jessie's missing items had they been hidden in Vonda's yard
  4. After Jessie's body was identified her trailer was not closed off to search for evidence as far as her mother knows. Her mom came the morning after Jessie was identified and got clothing for C and K. She said no officers were there and it wasn't closed off or being searched.   
So I think this is enough for now. If you guys have any ideas or answers you know the drill, let's chat about murder.  
Until next time...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

After A Murder

August 12, 2016
7:30 p.m. Jessie Nicole Morrison's body was found by an elderly man walking his dog down Jud Neal Loop.
We already know this, but what happened the next day? How did people hear about it? 
About 4:30 - 5 am on the next day (Saturday, August 13, 2016) Vonda was interrogated. 

They were bringing her in as Jessie's family was leaving. Tammy (Jessie's mother) had been there all night. Gary was there with her the entire time.
She was released later that day.
Tammy went directly from the police department to Vonda's house to pick up Jessie's two sons. She left there and went to Jessie's trailer and got necessities for the boys and left to go back to her house. She spent the rest of the day calling and notifying Jessie's friends and family while grieving the loss of her daughter and taking care of her grandchildren.
Ok so now we are on Sunday, What was Vonda doing?
Well, Vonda was sending Willy's girlfriend at the time Brittney Brown, messages trying to get ahold of Angie (Kamdyn's Grandmother, Her son is Shawn Gross, Kamdyn's father. Kamdyn is Jessie's youngest son.)

(This is a message sent on 8/14/2016, to Angie Hickerson, Kam's grandmother)
When Angie called Vonda this is what their conversation was like, according to Angie, who I consider very honest and reliable.

We know Vonda is guilty though, what we don't know is who helped her. We are going to examine who was close enough to want to keep a secret that dark for Vonda. That is what we are going to start discussing in depth. We are going to be pointing out the holes and gaps in information and brainstorming, together. 

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Vonda is Innocent?

I keep hearing people say this and I want to give those people a chance to state their case. She has been convicted so I don't have to prove she is guilty but if you think she is innocent, or if you question her guilt at all, I would love to hear from you. 
You can message me and I will keep you anonymous or you can post in the comments of the "Mopping With Murder" Facebook page.
I am not biased so all opinions are welcome but please be willing to give an explanation as to why you have that opinion, "I just have a gut feeling." isn't enough.
You have questions or claims you would like me to address? Please don't hesistate to state them or ask questions. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Iffy Drops of Info

I honestly get so many messages and tips that my life is overrun with index cards, post-it notes, notebooks, and poster boards. 
(This is an accurate representation)

Now, let it be clear, I am NOT complaining. Every tiny drop of information I get I investigate thoroughly. I am never bothered by it but I do stay pretty busy. I enjoy it, it's a very unpleasant subject with an ending where no one will win but I enjoy the research part of it all. 
I am having a bit of a dilemma though as I am unsure if I should share my ever-changing theories and ideas with you guys or stick to nothing but facts straight from paperwork? 
I don't want to be a part of the "Spread rumors now ask questions later" group of bloggers. I do think though sometimes if I shared all of the "iffy" pieces of information I come across, with a disclaimer of course, that it might help clear things up. Everyone seems unafraid to message me and let me know if they heard something different than what I am typing out here. 

There is a thin line between interesting and bullshit and I don't want to cross it. 
This case doesn't need bullshit. I do think it could benefit from a collective effort. 

I don't want to spread rumors but posting questionable things here, with the upfront notice that they are questionable might provide a large blanket of inquiries in a time efficient manner. 
So that is what I am trying to figure out today. 
Be patient with me. 
Until next time...

Friday, September 14, 2018

Polygraph Testing

 The accuracy (i.e., validity) of polygraph testing has long been controversial. An underlying problem is theoretical: There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception. An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully and a dishonest person may be non-anxious.

There are legitimate reasons polygraph results are not allowed in court. 
They are less about detecting lies and more about detecting anxiety. I would think just knowing they can be incorrect would cause an extreme amount of anxiety for someone that knows they are being looked at as a suspect even if they know they are innocent. 

A simple Google search can give you ample information to conclude that they aren't as helpful they are portrayed to be on TV and in movies. 

Now, according to several people I have interviewed (So please keep in mind this is hearsay. I want to make sure that is clear, although I trust this source) These are the people that were given a polygraph examination:
Gary Ealey =  PASSED
William Smith = PASSED
Vonda Smith = Unknown 
Roger Smith = FAILED - I would like to note Roger is sick and I'm not sure he could even fit into the very liberal definition of a 'good candidate' for a lie detector examination.

So that's it. If I hear of any more or anything different I will let you all know.
 Until next time... 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Lie detector tests

I have had messages asking why I haven't mentioned the lie detector tests that were administered. I will get to it guys. I promise. 
I really appreciate all of the tips and messages I get daily from you guys. I am grateful for the interest and trust people seem to have in me. 
I will be working on several more posts, as usual. I hope to have one posted tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Good old Topix

Listen, I hate Topix. I really do, I am a huge advocate of standing behind what you say and not hiding behind a screen name. However, once in a blue moon you run across a well thought out comment on a Topix thread that makes you think it isn't such a dumpster fire on there, it is a very short-lived appreciation for the gossip site but I experienced that phenomenon tonight.  I am glad Topix is around. I found some very interesting things posted there.
There is a Vonda Smith thread on there that is 14 pages long as of 9/12/18.
Most of the shit posted under that subject is nonsensical conspiracy and gossip. I usually drag myself through it and try to not want to bleach my eyeballs before I'm finished. I have that urge a lot with all the digging I do online lately.

Tonight though, it had been several days since I last looked, there was someone posting on there that had coherent sentences and claimed to have sat through the entire trial. I am inclined to believe them. I can't prove it, hell I can't even ask them to confirm it because everyone is 'anonymous' on there. The screen name used was "Copsrcool"
I am going to put some of the interesting things he or she posted here (Please note, these statements are not to be considered any kind of proof. They are statements made by someone I cannot vouch for and I want everyone to keep that in mind while reading this.)
I may get these screen names mixed up, there were two that actually had complete sentences. If they get offended by me mixing them up I hope they feel free to contact me to correct it 

Anyway here goes:
"Greenlee" posted:
"There were 4 hours of Vonda being interviewed. First, she said she saw Jessie leave and come back, then after police found blood she said she didn't actually see her leave or come back. When asked why she didn't answer her phone for 4 hours as her "granddaughter" who she was 4 hours late to pick up, called her 30 times she said she didn't want to make her "granddaughter" jealous. (I want to make a note that I think they put "granddaughter" in quotes because they are referring to "E" who isn't Vonda's biological grandchild.) which made no sense. She said cat peed all over her car, that was why she had been cleaning with bleach but couldn't explain why she was using bleach to clean the ceiling and passenger window and windshield- I just don't think a cat could have peed on ceiling and windows."
The next most coherent comment came from someone called, "Copsrcool":

"V.Smith started out saying she had dropped Jessie and her babies off at Morrison's trailer after she'd taken them to food city, but no one could find Jess or the babies. Then the babies were discovered at 
Vonda's home. When V. Smith couldn't explain why she first said she dropped them off at their home when they were actually at V. Smith's house she changed her story. That's when she starts saying, 'Oh, yeah, they all came back to my house. I gave Jess 1000 dollars cash, she borrowed my car and brought my car back later but didn't come in, then she left with a man in a white van." Finally, she said she only saw them through the window and never spoke to anyone. just a note V. Smith's husband said in his recorded interview that Vonda NEVER let anyone use her car and he also told investigators that he did NOT believe Jessie Morrison ever left his house once they got there that afternoon. He told them Jess left with Vonda when Vonda left around 7pm to go pick up her other grandchild in Jonesboro. Ironically, J Morrison's body was found just after 7pm a mile or so from V. Smith's home on Jud Neal Loop which a neighbor testified no one ever uses this road unless they are looking for a good place to dump trash without getting caught ."
Someone named "Dan" asked if Roger was forced to testify.
"Copsrcool" responded with:
I don't believe the prosecution can force a spouse to testify against their own spouse. The husband's interviews were recorded then transcribed. His statements contradicted V. SMith's statement. The state was allowed to play the recorded interviews of V. Smith to the jury."
Someone named "JoJo" said:
"I'm trying to figure out how she did this without one single scratch. I think someone else is involved. 

There is no explanation for all the blood in Vonda's car, but the deceased fought so hard that she broke a finger.

No one walks away scratch free from that type of altercation. (And Vonda did)"

"Greeneee" responded with:
Her finger was broken covering her head as it was being smashed. TBI concluded no offensive wounds on jessi. Should've watched trial

"JoJo" then askes several things:
"*Did you mean to say "defensive" instead of "offensive"? To be offensive insinuates that she was the aggressor. Just trying to clarify.
*She was found guilty by a jury..

Just curious as to whether everyone believes that this 50 year overweight woman had the strength to overpower a 21 yr old girl to the death, and come away without a single scratch...

That is the one and only reason why I can't believe the story we are made to believe."

Finally "Greeneee" answers with something I found very informative:
"If she was fighting it would be an offensive break. If she was covering her head as it was being smashed with say a hammer it would be a defensive break. TBI said she had no injuries that indicated Jessie was in a fight. TBI said her finger injury was either trying to cover her head or it snapped when she was thrown down the embankment. This was all discussed thoroughly during trial. Plus that Vonda is very strong and agile. 50 is not that old btw"

Then "Copsrcool" added:
V. Smith had two of the best defense lawyers in Tennessee defend her in a trial that lasted over 4 days. All these arguments being made on Topix doubting the conviction are just restatements of either the theories brought up by the defense lawyer or from the BS story that V. Smith gave the police (neither of which made such an impression on the judge or jury obviously). I watched the whole trial. There was no doubt after it was all argued that V. Smith had the physical ability (you have to be pretty strong to be a nurse, to begin with, plus we saw how nimble footed she was on video, and there was proof she'd just dug the grave and buried a german shepherd BY HERSELF a few days before murdering J. Morrison), the motive (she was majorly obsessed with the grandson, who she was losing control over) and the opportunity...oh and then she tried to say all that blood in her car (which came back to be J. Morrison's blood) was cat pee. The jury took longer to order their lunches than it took them to come to a consensus. She's soooooo guilty and will probably die in she should It's KINDA HARD TO FIGHT AFTER YOU UNEXPECTEDLY GET SMASHED IN THE HEAD WITH A HEAVY PIECE OF METAL. she never had a chance The Medical Examiner testified that the FINGER WAS DISLOCATED, not broken. Thus, most likely that injury occurred when the body was dumped out of vehicle off the side of the mountain newspaper did not do a great job covering V. Smith's trial. the Sun's articles were full of misquotes that kinda butchered what some witnesses and the lawyers actually said or didn't say. ken little relies on his handwritten notes---a recording device would probably be beneficial (but I'm not sure if the judges allow recorders). january is when Smith gets to argue to judge Dugger that he should give her a new trial. judges reverse themselves about once per billion cases. dugger would only reverse himself in light of new significant evidence that would have likely changed the original outcome. so, after Dugger denies her motion for a new trial then she'll appeal the convictions." 

Alright, so after reading that I am going to check the forensic report to see if it definitively mentions 'defensive vs offensive' wounds.
It doesn't and the realization that I may have misconstrued defensive wounds to mean fighting back while defending yourself makes me really take a second look. I'm not always right, and when I'm not, I have no qualms stating it.  Does it make me come to the conclusion that she didn't fight to defend her life and her unborn child's life? No, but it does make me rethink the possibility that there may not have been as many wounds on her assailant as I had originally thought. I took some time to research "defensive" wounds and I don't think I was too far off with my original understanding. I mean, one would have to be aware to keep moving their hands and arms in different places to try to protect their body from an attacker.
Sooo..this is all just food for thought. I wanted to share it all with you.
Until next time...