Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ebb and Flow

Since I started this I have noticed it is as if I get a rush of information and ideas and I can't get posts typed out fast enough. Then there are times, like now, things slow down. It never lasts but when the information ebbs and interest creeps out from shore, it makes me anxious. 
I feel as if I must be missing something. 
I feel like I am letting Jessie down. 
I did learn a few interesting bits of information today. A couple of things that I can't prove so I hesitate to share it. One thing is that Jessie's ID was found torn in half on the side of the road. Another thing I learned today from someone that was very close to Jessie, is that Vonda had sent Jessie messages threatening to kill her prior to her death. Jessie didn't take them seriously and laughed it off. This is according to a relative of hers that saw the text messages themselves. 
Chris had come around before Jessie's death to see Channing. He had been pleasant to them up until the time of the trial. At trial, as he walked past the Morrison family he called them "pieces of shit" among other things. 
I don't understand how people flip to hatred so quickly. 
I'm not overly shocked that Jessie's DL was found on the side of the road, but why take the time to break it? You know the material they are made of isn't paper, so someone had taken a knife to it or stood there and bent it back and forth until it broke apart. That is just an odd thing to do in my opinion. It doesn't necessarily mean anything groundbreaking but it is strange in my opinion. 
The messages though. I mean I think that is huge but not really useful because we already know Vonda is guilty. I wonder if she mentioned anyone helping her in her "threats"  I'd like to see them.
Anyway, that's it for today. If you got any info please let me know, got any questions? Let's hear them. 
Until next time...

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