Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hypothetical Timeline and Time of Death

On the Facebook page for this blog, there is a "Timeline" post pinned to the top. That timeline is as factual as we could come up with using only documented facts, well this one involves some ideas that we haven't yet been able to "prove". As you know I like to keep everything fact-based but I think in order to move forward we are going to have to allow ourselves to spit-ball and see what could and couldn't happen within the time constraints. Just know as you read, these are my ideas and nothing more than that. They may turn out to be true but as of right now, they are not proven. 

The other timeline we had covered Jessie's day. We knew Vonda was at work. You want to know what we don't know? Where was Willy? His alibi was that he was home (the house he shared with Brittney Brown in 2016) He said he was there all day because she had their only car at work. Ok, fine. BUT, what if she dropped him off at Vonda's house to be with his dad before she went to work? 
I have heard (so this isn't a fact, it is hearsay) that there were no calls made from Willy's phone that day. This doesn't shock me as he told me himself he uses burner phones and works hard to stay "off grid" That doesn't mean he was sitting at home where his phone was at according to someone that was close to the case and trial. So, what if we assume that Willy was already at Vonda's house that day.

August 12, 2016, So let's go:
6:30 am- Jessie drops Gary off at work at Emery's 

8:00 am- Jessie takes Channing to Johnson city for oral surgery.

1:45 - 2:00 pm- WIC appointments at the Greeneville Health Department.

3:00 pm- Jessie and Vonda go to Gary's work (Imerys) in separate cars. They meet with Gary (as shown on video surveillance) in the parking lot and Jessie leaves the car with Gary. 

3:37 pm- Jessie, Vonda, and Jessie's two sons leave Food city. This was shown by security footage provided by Food City.

3:50 pm- Jessie and Vonda arrived at Jessie's trailer, (cross anchor trailer park), the officer that arrived later that night for the missing person report stated that the person that lived behind Jessie saw her get into a white car with an elderly woman. (a contradiction to the story Edward Hitchen told on the stand) The groceries are left in the floor of Jessie's trailer. 

4:00 pm- I think this is around the time Jessie, Vonda, and Jessie's two sons arrived at Vonda's house. I think Willy was already there.

This is the time I think Jessie was murdered. Now, do I think it was premeditated? No, I am sure with Vonda's complete frustration with Jessie she had thought of doing it before, but what is the difference between thinking about it and carrying it out? What is the catalyst? I think it was the loss of control. I have heard from more than a few people that Vonda ruled that house and although her son, Willy could be considered troubled at the very least, he did what she wanted and when push came to shove he did what his Mother told him to do. I'm not sure that is very odd, but loyalty can be very powerful. 

4:30 - 4:45pm- Vonda says this is the time Jessie left in her car with $1,000 dollars that she gave her to pay bills. 
    I think Jessie was dead at this time. I think Jessie may have left her house in her car, but not alive. I think this may be more telling of the time of death than even the autopsy. I feel like she would want to mention when Jessie died, and cover it with something such as, "I gave her 1,000 dollars of my mattress money and she took off in my car." 
    Sort of like a Freudian slip, but with murder. An unconscious slip of the tongue. She wanted to make sure that time was accounted for and that it had NOTHING to do with Jessie's death. That is just my opinion.
    Even Roger Smith said he didn't think Jessie left their house, another slip up I'm sure Vonda wasn't pleased about. 
     Here is one of the scenarios that I think could have played out:

     Jessie goes to Laughlin after her WIC appointment, perhaps asking for money from Vonda. Vonda (hasn't been able to keep Channing for the past couple of weekends due to Jessie taking them to Tammy's to swim in the pool) is frustrated that she keeps helping Jessie but that Jessie won't let the boys stay with her. I think she took Jessie and paid for her groceries and they dropped the groceries off (this is where her neighbor said he witnessed her getting into a white car with an elderly woman). I think from there they went to Vonda's and Vonda wanted to keep Channing for this weekend. (It was a Friday) I think she helped Jessie with the expectation of being able to control when she saw Channing. Well, Channing had just had surgery and anyone that knew Jessie has told me there is NO way she would leave Channing there after that. 
    I think Jessie and Vonda exchanged words, much like they did in the text messages, but this was face to face and Jessie wasn't the type to not get her hackles up when someone was trying to tell her what to do with her children. I think Jessie may have gotten in Vonda's face, her personality makes this feasible to me, and that is when I think someone else stepped in. I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility that Vonda and Jessie got physical with one another and a third party saw that Vonda was NOT going to come out on top. 
    I think someone, and honestly, I think it was one of Vonda's sons, stepped in to defend Vonda and hit her in the head with something. A hammer or a bat is the most common weapons concerning the injuries listed in her autopsy.
    I don't think this knocked her out because she still had the sense to use her arms to continue to block blows that were given to her all over her body. I'm sure she was trying to protect her unborn child more so than herself because that seems to be the type of person she was, and I think this happened in Vonda's driveway while the kids were still in the car. Now think about what that would mean. 
    Vonda and Channing's clothing from that day, as witnessed in the Food City video, were never located. Kam's shorts were found on the side of the road, discarded. 
    I think this happened within the hour after they left Food City. Vonda didn't answer her phone for hours. She did answer it once though, on her way to get Emma. One of Jessie's sisters called Vonda, looking for Jessie, and Vonda said she was going to Willy's to pick up Emma. Now, I'm not saying she didn't accidentally slip up and say Willy's when she meant Sharon's, and honestly, I'm not sure it matters because Willy and Brittney lived very close to Sharon's, so I don't think it is crazy to consider that Vonda may have dropped Willy off on her way to get Emma. 
    Her and Willy I think worked like hell to get that car cleaned up and still give her time to create an alibi. I don't think they expected Jessie to be found that quickly. I'm sure they thought they would have a bigger window of time to work with, to blur the lines. 

    Anyway, that's all I've got, for now, let me know what you think. 
                                      Until next time...

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