Monday, October 8, 2018

Exploitation of A Murder

I know it is hard for Vonda's family to believe she had any part in killing Jessie, but she did. 
I can imagine that is a hard thing to grasp, I wouldn't want to believe it about my Aunt, Mother, Sister, or friend. At some point though, you have to follow the evidence. You can't make up conspiracy theories and nonsensical corruption against one lone 21-year-old girl. It didn't happen that way. The police officers may not have done everything perfectly but no one does, they are not the bad guys in this case.  Jessie never did drugs and had nothing to do with a 'drug ring' as Vonda tried to make it seem. Because apparently murdering a girl isn't enough, you have to try to destroy her reputation as well. 
Vonda saying, "It was drug related" the day after Jessie died while on the phone with Angie Hickerson is disgusting enough. It was her desperate attempt to distract people from looking in her direction and it is still being used and it honestly makes me sick to my stomach. 
(These are the toxicology reports from Jessie's autopsy report, she was clear of everything except caffeine.)
So not only is that appalling and cruel, now Vonda's family wants to shop out this horrible crime to true crime shows and that is nothing less than exploitation and I can't find anything much more repulsive than that. 
How does one justify that to themselves when your relative is the murderer, not the victim?
Maybe lack of empathy is hereditary? 
I do have empathy for Vonda's family, they don't want to believe she could be capable of this. I'm sure they miss her and have convinced themselves she is somehow a victim as well. 
I have to hope they will come to accept the truth before they cause even more harm to the actual victim's family. 
Jessie's mother has been approached by the show, "Snapped". She will not even consider participating in anything like that until after the appeals process is over and done. Which is what was instructed by the DA. It is her prerogative to participate or not to participate. 
Now, Vonda's family can also choose. 
Let's hope they can have empathy for Jessie and her family. 
Being "excited" over anything not related to finding who else was involved WITH Vonda is pretty low. 
I just wanted to make it clear, on behalf of Jessie's family, that nothing goes unnoticed about Jessie. 
I do NOT ever want any of you to read this blog and think I am trying to string you along with "we have a new something or another, just you wait."
We are better and smarter than that. 
My heart goes out to all of Jessie's friends and family because some people just can't come to the conclusion they have been hurt enough. I would like to have ignored all of this, but it was brought to me by her immediate family and therefore I felt it needed to be addressed. 
Until the next time... 


  1. Just wadded right off into this Hornets nest did ya....B.T.

    1. I'm sorry, I don't think I understand you. Could you clarify?
