Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Clearing up more nonsense

OK,  so I know there have been claims that Vonda was assaulted and a search party, including police,  went looking for a "missing", Vonda...Well,  I have confirmed through the Sheriff's office that there is no report of any such thing.  I was assured that if any police officer had been out there hunting for Vonda there would be a report. One does not exist.  So I guess that's another hole in the ever sinking ship of Vonda being a victim. There are lots of victims in this case,  Vonda ain't one of em.


  1. one more detail that goes uncorroborated.

  2. Stacey Stacey Stacey.... you're smarter than that. If a victim doesn't want to file a police report, then a police report is not filed.

    1. Police make reports of everything, even if its a note. If police were out searching for Vonda with her family, there would be a report. Even if a victim declines to file a report or press charges in any kind of crime the police will still write their own report explaining the interaction and that the victim declines to proceed with any action....c'mon, be smarter than that. Why do you think cops hate paperwork so much...smh.

  3. If, in fact, as another blogger states "a search party comprised of family members and law enforcement" set out to find her, that information would have to be reported in some way to the LE. They have to account for their time, and an officer would have been appointed to take the lead. In addition, there was only one person who corroborated this story in any way during the pre-trial hearing, and it was Vonda's husband's former wife (I guess friends with Vonda?) who testified that she'd "heard about it" from a conversation with Vonda back in 10/2016. Meaning she wasn't there, so I'm not even sure that's admissible testimony--seems like hearsay to me, although pre-trial hearings may have different rules. If that many people convened to do a search for her on that night, why is there not one person who will testify to that effect--family, LE or otherwise?? Further, I suspect that LE would not be out searching for someone who 1. hasn't been missing 24 hrs and 2. without a missing persons report. Critical thinking is important!

    1. Beth, it is a complete myth that an officer writes a report about everything he does. They only enter a status code into their computer. Police calls have only 2 outcomes. Code it or draw a report number. And they can not draw a report number if a victim requests not to file a report. Dispatch calls are public record but not all states or agencies follow this rule. The above Anonymous post is correct. And yes, critical thinking is important.... especially before you speak.

  4. Jessie wasn't missin for 24 hours neither
