Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wrong Man on Starz network.

Apparently this show is looking into Vonda's case. Let's hope they do.  I've had a lot of new hits on the blog the last few weeks so let's hope they actually use facts instead of the self described, "anecdotal story"... I digress.


  1. Why is your written tone so pompous and condescending about Starz investigating? Is it your current hard core stance that Vonda is guilty, though prior to your own blog, you believed Vonda was innocent? Is it your competitive nature to just want to be what you would consider the “winner” between you and other Blogger? Your ambition to prove Vonda is guilty confuses me since she was convicted. I feel your blog opened a healing scab, re-opening an unhealable oozing sore for Jessie’s family and friends, creating a never ending healing process for them. That is not justice for Jessie. You seem to be a predator that saw an opportunity to prey on others to obtain your own feelings of infallibility. You purposely targeted Jessie’s family and friends who were vulnerable enough to fall for your initial charm, leaving them gullible to your manipulation and vulnerable to their exploitation. You have no substance to your blog, all it does is keep Jessie’s family revisiting and re-living a heartbreaking time in their lives.

    This is not about Starz reading “your” blog for “facts” because it’s not about you. It’s about someone you do not even know, nor have a connection to. Are you put off when Starz investigates other cases?

    It’s time to stop feeding your ego or future book and walk away.


  2. Tammy Morrison
    Intake Date: April 21, 2019 at 1:31AM
    Charges (3)

    1. Driving Under the Influence M UCR 90D
    Bond: 10,000

    2. Reckless Endangerment M UCR
    Bond: 6,000

    3. Open Container M UCR
    Bond: 750.00

    This is not Tammy Morrison's 1st arrest for drinking.

    HAPPY EASTER Tammy!!!


    1. What, exactly, is your point? do you have one or does it just do your heart good to tear other people down?? XOXO!!!

  3. I mean, I could respond, but I feel like you show your true colors here and only here because you remain anonymous. You also look like a fool.

  4. Hoooo weee…..some people have way too much time on their hands. *popcorn* It's easy to be cheesy when you hide behind cute little monikers. Keyboard warriors do enjoy their anonymity...

  5. Santa isn't real just like this persons faux show of concern for Jessie's family. Just another useless troll with a miserable life looking to spread it around. And to see someone stick up for a streaming network like its effecting their bank account is pretty amusing as well. "How dare you criticize STARZ for looking into this"..blah blah blah ���� Put your sleigh back in the shed Santa, nobody needs you spreading your version of condescending cheer here.
