Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tumblr Nonsense: A deeper look into a bewildering world of fallacy Part. 1

Let's go ahead and correct all the nonsensical ramblings that have erupted on the Pro-Vonda blog on Tumblr. 
First, have a look at the screenshots from the most recent ramblings of that author:

I mean, I have to give it to her for imagination. I would even laugh if this wasn't something that upsets the victims family. It is asinine and unsubstantiated. I don't have a lot of patience for such ignorance. First, eliminate things that have not been proven. I have yet to see any reports of Vonda missing from the police department. If there was a search party that included the police there would be a report. I am continuing the search but will be able to say 100% on Monday. I do not think that happened. I have heard that Vonda was in the hospital around that time but for something unrelated, no concussion or facial bruising as has been reported by her family on their Tumblr blog.  

Now, I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Randolph, but he has many many years of experience and I cannot fathom a scenario where he tells the family members of a missing person that they probably jumped off a bridge. I honestly don't even have anything else to say about such a far fetched claim. I don't know why anyone would ever believe that. 

What insinuation is she grasping to make here? That Detective Randolph tossed Vonda off a bridge which is why he supposedly mentioned that to her family? 

Think about that. 

The next entry on her blog is what really blows my mind:

Honestly, it's bullshit. All of it. Tammy (I speak to her frequently) has no bullshit "change of heart". She knows, just like anyone else that can read and bothers with finding the facts, that Vonda is where she needs to be. 
There was one stitch of truth to it, Tammy does go to where Jessie was found on Jud Neal Loop. It isn't an anomaly in any way. She visits that spot frequently. Jessie's family has a makeshift memorial there and Jessie's sons go there and release balloons and place flowers. The only thing Tammy's visitation proves is that her heart is still just as broken as it was on the day this murder happened. 
I normally try to ignore stupidity on Tumblr, but when Jessie's mother contacted me upset with the false claims being made I couldn't refrain from posting a correction. 
As for the plea for Tammy to reach out to the author if she really wants to find justice for Jessie, you might want to be careful what you wish for. If Tammy reaches out to your lie spreading ass it isn't going to be to fabricate more nonsense about her daughter. I would normally try to be a bit more mature but I honestly don't have the time or patience for this insanity. 
As for the transcripts, Jessie's family deserves a copy. They are trying to raise the money to get a copy and as soon as they do we will proceed with this case. 
If I need to correct any more lies I will.

Until next time...


  1. Young lady, you have approached what is clearly your adversary with such lack of professionalism and class, that the Tumblr writer has already won. She wins brilliantly without ever trying and you are the one who has elevated her simply by giving your readers such a filthy contrast. How much more are you willing to have backfire?

    1. 1st of all, she's writing a blog on tumblr, 2nd, lots of people travel to the areas where their family members or friends were killed. I lost a friend a few years back around the corner from my house, we built a large cross so it can be seen from the roadway and placed it where his car came to rest, we travel back there often to change ribbons and flowers which tend to turn color and deteriorate in the weather. We also visit his grave. Its not abnormal for people to do that at all and this person on tumblr deserves a participation trophy for her mental gymnastics as to her reasoning for returning to where Jessie was found. I don't think she is very bright as her clues are laughable.Tumbler is a platform for conspiracy theorists and people who are looking for 1 night stand. Some people have a rough time with reality so they make their own.

  2. My adversary? If spreading lies and conspiracy nonsense = brilliance then yes she would be a winner. Honestly, this isn't a competition, it's about truth.

  3. This is where I become confused by your agenda and "the truth". The Tumblr writer takes the stance that Vonda Smith is innocent and in her effort to reveal that truth, she is questioning everything, which is what a detective would do. You on the other hand, "your truth" is that Vonda Smith did commit this crime, which is not a story at all because she has been convicted and is in prison for it. So what exactly are you fighting for? In every sense, what you believe to be the truth has already been resolved as such. Also, an opinion is not a lie. The Tumblr writer seems to offer her opinion and thoughts of things and different theories, but does not state her "musings" as she calls them as fact, so therefore she is not lying. I have to say, I much prefer her blog, no matter the degree of "insanity", because she is clearly on a journey to uncover truth and what she writes is a window into that process. She makes her readers think outside the box, whereas you simply restate facts and retell the case as it happened and as it is, which is not thought provoking for us readers and frankly, you're just repeating what has already transpired. I do read both of your blogs, but I have to say, you've not brought anything new to the table. I enjoy the Tumblr blog because it gives cause to consider and analyze and I simply cannot understand how you might construe an opinion for a lie. For example, you say she lies, but you never specifically touch on a specific "lie" and also never provide a counter argument or evidence that it actually is a lie. YOU have made it appear that you are competing with this other writer based on your attacks, which I have watched unfold. I do not read such things about you on her blog. The Tumblr writer has stayed the course with her objective, despite all of the odds being stacked against her and that is also something that makes her blog much more intriguing. A person "fighting the good fight" in the name of justice is appealing to readers like myself. Reading about a retelling of events is not. More specifically, reading trash talk is even less entertaining. You have called this other writer "snooty", but if you go back and reread much of your posts, there is an incredible tone of ego and it's rather off putting. To be honest, sometimes I cringe at what you have written and especially when you start in on the trash talk because I feel embarrassed for you. Reading your blog just feels like you're floundering and it makes it worse when some of your material clearly comes solely from what the Tumblr writer has recently posted. From an outsider looking in, it's beginning to seem like you could be obsessed with the other writer in a way. If you're not, you certainly put her on center stage often.

    1. I got to the 2nd sentence and I laughed when you said that the other writer is questioning everything because she thinks Vonda is innocent. See the thing is, when you think someone is innocent (even when its not based in reality) you will create all kinds of scenarios and draw meaningful conclusions from something that really means nothing just to try and prove innocence. That isn't helping anybody and it just peddles lies and hurts the victims in this case. Its disgusting but some people don't care about being disgusting, they get enjoyment from something like this. Highlighting lies from another blogger doesn't elevate the other blogger, the best disinfectant for bullshit is to shed some light on it.

  4. My agenda isn't an agenda at all. I work with Jessie's family to preserve the truth that has been twisted beyond recognition by you and your blog.

  5. I’ve heard so many people talk about the tumblr posts. People mostly saying whoever is writing those posts is a coward because they stay hidden. No thanks, I’ll believe the person who has actual facts on paper in black and white before I believe someone who can’t even tell people who they are. ����

  6. Darlin, not everyone who is in support of the Tumblr writer IS the writer. What was it you kept saying about conspiracy theories again? Sounds like that nonsensical insanity you keep preaching about is contagious! My goodness! Continuing to dodge questions and criticisms is flat lining you and any credibility you had. How can you preserve the "truth" when you can't uncover it to save your life. You don't seem to know your butt from your elbow, let alone what is or how to define your objective. My previous response to you was lengthy and I made several points you could have debated, yet you recoil meekly without displaying any intellect at all. Tell me, how exhausted are you from always playing defense? On the other hand, it takes much less energy to be buried than to do the burying.

  7. well, if "the writer" *ahem* isn't snooty and pretentious, the tone of yours is...*anonymous*. Do you have a dog in this hunt? If not, why come here if it's so awful? If so, and I suspect you do, quit hiding behind "anonymous" and your "little birds". Otherwise, it's just trolling.

    Stacy has "regurgitated facts", but that is what you do when you are investigating. You comb back through the information you have to see if you can find anything odd or missing. The only thing Tumbler writer questions is outlandish theories. I ALSO read both blogs--and enjoy them both. I do like thinking outside of the box with those crazy ideas (which are presented just as much as fact as Stacy's, except she is careful to plainly say 'this is only a theory/my opinion). I like taking those crazy ideas and seeing if they fit with the facts that we have--that you--I mean "the writer" seems to forget/ignore.

    What's your end game? curiosity or justice for jessie?

    1. I'm a reader like you. I have no end game. I choose to be anonymous because I offer criticism and we have all seen what happens to those that hold a different opinion from this Blogspot writer. I simply felt compelled to add my two cents as I have followed the Tumblr writer since she was on Reddit. If you're asking why I come here if "it's so awful", you should ask this blogger why she reads Tumblr if it's all lies.

    2. I don't need to ask her. She said it right in her post. "Jessie's mother contacted me upset with the false claims being made I couldn't refrain from posting a correction." Whether she reads regularly or not--she'd have a reason to go read if Tammy brought it up.

  8. Do you also have criticism for the tumblr? I do. The only reason I haven't put it over there is because of the functionality of the platform, and well, I could choose not to read. I wish it could be as gripping as it was in the beginning, before there was a false sense of intrigue and coyness built in, I can only guess in the attempt to keep readers interested in "staying tuned". I've "stayed tuned" and haven't seen much of interest unfortunately. I think if the writer really has interest in being "a writer", she should go for it and just write fiction as she has an easy storytelling style. The storyline here for her seems to have largely dried up and she appears to be grasping for something to keep interest up.

    1. Perhaps there's good reason to stay tuned...


    2. I have been waiting and waiting for something of substance, although hearing about the letters from vonda are nice. I am not a big fan of being strung along by any entertainment, books, blogs what have you. I am the type that will just quit reading a book if it doesn't hold my interest--I have no need to get to the end just for the sake of finishing it. Too many other things to do with my free time.

    3. Dear Beth, I understand your frustration with feeling strung along. Unfortunately, I am being strung along as well by the powers that be. I leave hints in my posts when I can and allude to the future, but my hands are tied otherwise. My coyness you mention is exactly that... and I refer to my readers and followers as "sleuths" for a reason. I have to expect you to be a sleuth with this case, but sometimes... you must keep your sleuth hat on while reading my posts. I am frustrated that I cannot share more, but because I'm reporting on a live case with repercussions rather than a cold case from the past, I must be respectful of the "rules" set before me. I'm sorry I can't say more. I do hope you continue to follow my unfolding posts and have to ask for my readers to have patience now, but know that your patience will pay off. Thank you for the compliments regarding my storytelling ability, but I do not wish to pursue writing. I had no idea what I was doing when I started, but I have tried my best, sometimes clumsily so. I would like to also say that I am not a liar, I have been as forthright as possible and yes, I have had and do have some crazy theories, but I'm not a professional and trying to figure out a murder mystery (a mystery to me) while trying to free Vonda simultaneously... has been challenging and has required hundreds of hours of work. I do call people that help me, "little birds" as a discreet term of endearment, but don't understand why I have been so mocked because of that? Additionally, I see I am being mocked for keeping my identity hidden, but if these people who mock me were in my shoes... they would too. I have pointed the finger in all directions and I keep my identity hidden for my safety and the safety of my young children. This case is more than meets the eye and I do need to take precautions. I don't understand why subjecting myself to harassment or danger by plastering my name on my "outrageous claims" could be misunderstood as being a coward? On the contrary, I feel I have been brave to go against the grain on this case and to openly dispute it. Perhaps I am snooty, but if I truly had such an ego, wouldn't I have attached my name to my blog in the beginning? Please understand... I am not simply writing about this case... I am working behind the scenes as a catalyst for change. I would ask that if anyone would like to have a conversation with me or a debate... then just message me. I am very open and understanding, but I am also analytical and prefer conversation that is articulate, intelligent and rational. I really have no interest in emotional accusations or statements. Like you and the previous commentator, I respond well to thought provoking dialogue.

    4. I appreciate your response. I am not sure why commenting on your tumblr posts is not available, but I have had a lot of questions along the way that I have not been able to ask. Things that have required critical thought and analytical thinking, which is what you say you are looking for. Anonymity is one thing. It feels as if you are building it into some cloak and dagger intrigue. It feels fake. You may not like what Stacy has to say, but she has been very straightforward as far as I can see with her motivation and resources. I don't see as much of that on your end, which makes it seem like fiction over reality. I tell ya what I really don't like is all the back and forth between the two blogs--so maybe all of this is good. clear the air, get it out in the open. You have two different points of view on a case that has already been tried in court. You both think there is missing information--I do too. One or both of you may be the one to find that information, that missing link. Coming here and ragging on Stacy is not productive. She can say what she wants as can you. The professional thing to do is to push forward with whatever agenda each of you has and not engage with critics. Now she has because she felt she has to on behalf of Tammy, who is an equal victim in this. She feels she is in defense of a victim. Who are you in defense of? Yourself? the best defense is fact, although there is a large segment of the population who doesn't deal in fact.
      For my own part, I still remain undecided as to guilt/innocence, but up to this point, she's done more to persuade me than you have.

    5. I am in defense of Vonda... always.

  9. Stacy, you think I'm a coward because I have the sense to protect my identity as an individual investigating the opposing side of a murder case? What does that make you then? Ranting and raving about me and what I write behind my back but don't have the guts to message me directly? THAT is cowardice. You want to be brave? Come and get me.


    1. how is it behind your back? it's a public page and it's not like she can comment on your blog in the comment section?

    2. Anyone is welcome to comment in the comment section. You might have to join Tumblr to do so, but anyone can comment.

    3. I have joined. I even googled "how to comment on tumblr" it said to click on the "bubble". there's no bubble. you may want to check your settings.

  10. How would you like for me to message you? You blocked me on facebook and I have seen firsthand how paranoid you are because we were in a group chat together once. So before you try to act like Billy badass you might want to take a breather. I will continue to call you out every time the victims family comes to me upset over the nonsense you post. If you would like to chat privately feel free to message me. I'm not hiding.

    1. Keep trying Stacy... Jess has been mistaken as the writer a couple of times in the past... as have two other friends of mine. I believe you mistook my friend Chrissy as the writer as well? My entire team has blocked you on Facebook. I will continue to be "Billy Badass" for the time being. This is as good a platform as any (and complete with an audience)... so fire away.

    2. I don't have time to play Freddy FUCK around with you. Yes I used a curse word. I don't have to be professional in a personal blog. Your "team" is ridiculous. If you don't like me calling out the nonsense you post that upsets Jessie's family then stop writing it. Stick to facts. If you write facts I will be more than happy to never mention your "team" (I can't even type that without laughing)

    3. Now I'm finished playing around with you. Goodnight

    4. Geezus Murphy you sure anger easily. What should I call the people that have been helping me if not "team"? Group? Posse? Gang? Buddies? If you and everyone else will chill out... on my blog, beneath the title, it specifically states that my blog is "An anecdotal story about a murder case". Do you have a dictionary? Would you like me to define "anecdotal" and "story" for you? Why are you such an angry person? You should really try meditating... or yoga. I've heard lavender essential oil is good as well as Lemon Balm supplements. I don't think we will be conversing beyond this last post. But alas... even if you and your readers still despise me... I did try. Before I go, I will leave you with a FACT: a sweeping change is coming. Be sure to stay tuned!

    5. OMG, I never noticed that subtitle before! all makes so much more sense now! Skim reading got me again, thanks for pointing it out here tonight. Puts a new perspective on the whole thing! See, I knew clearing the air would be a good thing.

    6. Yes... it is always good to clear the air. Now we can plainly see the division between the idiots who require a disclaimer disguised as a subtitle and the intellectuals who do not.

    7. So basically by you actually calling your "blog" anecdotal and a story you admit it's all not true or reliable, because it's based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
      So therefore it's informal, unreliable, based on hearsay; unscientific and bull shit just like Stacy has stated all along! You really are something else, with an agenda to hurt people and just plain not nice!

  11. You called me out by name on your blog. I have had the decency to not return the favor

  12. This is a different Anonymous. Hum..... I can state 2 facts. Fact 1: There is no such thing as a personal blog. Your blog belongs to the world now.
    Fact 2: It was not the Tumblr poster that named you, it was me under a Tumblr comment.

    Love, Santa

  13. Stacy, have you disclosed to Tammy that her family was your second choice after Vonda’s family politely refused your....we will call them “services”...

    1. Look like im anonymous 5,,6,7!!! wonder why,,,cuz stacey the fat bitch is a backstabber she out for her self and i seen this comment and i know for a factshe was wantin vonda first cuz i my girl talkin bout it when it started yo she runnin her fat mouth that shes a write a book f*** ur shit! stacey been sendin emails to her in prison she out there in memphis i know cuz my girl out there with her!!! Yea B u think nobodie know shit but we do!! tammy dis girl been playin u like a F O O L for real
