Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Clearing up more nonsense

OK,  so I know there have been claims that Vonda was assaulted and a search party, including police,  went looking for a "missing", Vonda...Well,  I have confirmed through the Sheriff's office that there is no report of any such thing.  I was assured that if any police officer had been out there hunting for Vonda there would be a report. One does not exist.  So I guess that's another hole in the ever sinking ship of Vonda being a victim. There are lots of victims in this case,  Vonda ain't one of em.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tumblr Nonsense: A deeper look into a bewildering world of fallacy Part. 1

Let's go ahead and correct all the nonsensical ramblings that have erupted on the Pro-Vonda blog on Tumblr. 
First, have a look at the screenshots from the most recent ramblings of that author: