Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Stay The Course

It is easy with so much talk about Vonda's upcoming request for a new trial to become distracted by bullying and rumors. We should take care to not forget what this is about. This is about Jessie. This is about a murder. 
The murder of a pregnant mother, a woman found beaten to death and left in a ditch on the side of the road. 
This is about finding the truth, in its entirety.
This is about victims and being kind to those dealing with the loss of Jessie Morrison.
This is NOT about crucifying the very victims we claim to be helping. 
This is NOT about Tammy's run-ins with law enforcement. She will have to deal with the consequences of those actions just like Vonda is having to deal with hers.
This is NOT about tearing down people, especially Jessie's family, just because they get upset when you spread anecdotal nonsense concerning a very serious matter. 
I can't begin to understand why people want to be bullies or why some people want to make veiled threats to victims of this tragedy. What I do understand is research and compassion. I'm going to stick with those things. 

So let us not forget: